As palavras soltas de hoje sentem-se contadoras de histórias. Contadoras
de uma história simples e igual a todas as outras histórias que estamos
habituados a ouvir. Ou, então, não. E esta história é uma história de
um rapaz que conhece uma rapariga mas, ficam desde já a saber, que não
se trata de uma história de amor. Onde ficamos exatamente? Ah, já me recordo. Ela parou de chorar. Levantou a cabeça lentamente e olhou-o. Para ele
aquela troca de olhares pareceu-lhe durar 60 minutos. Mas não durou mais
do que 60 segundos. "Maria!" Disse ela levantando-se num ápice e
correndo para os braços de uma mulher. Ele achou que já não estava a
fazer nada ali e foi para casa sem lhe dizer nada. "Maria!" Disse ela novamente enquanto continuava abraçada a Maria. "Não sei o que fazer! Estou tão perdida!" Continuou ela. "Tem calma, minha filha. Vai tudo correr bem!" Disse Maria acalmando-a. O médico apareceu na sala e parecia trazer notícias. "Felizmente tem apenas algumas costelas partidas e fraturou a bacia mas já está consciente e não tem qualquer lesão no cérebro, ma por precaução vamos mantê-lo em vigilância, por enquanto, até ao final da semana para fazer mais alguns exames." Disse o médico. "Obrigada,senhor doutor! Ainda bem que ele está bem!" Disse Maria. O médico voltou para o seu trabalho. "Estás a ver como eu te avisei que ia correr tudo bem?! Agora vai para casa tomar um banho e descansar que eu fico aqui com ele." Disse Maria. E ela deu-lhe um beijo, agradeceu-lhe e foi a pé até casa. Não sabia bem porquê mas precisava de apanhar ar. Sentia que precisava de respirar mais do que em qualquer um dos outros dias. Bem, mas isto são outras palavras soltas. Ana Reis
Today my words are storytellers. They will tell you a simple story. A story like all the other stories we're used to hear. Or, not. And this story is a story of a boy who meets a girl but you need to know that this is not a love story. Where were we exactly? Oh! Now I remember. She stopped crying. She lifted her head slowly and looked at him. For him that exchange of glances seemed to last 60 minutes. But it didn't last more than 60 seconds. "Maria!" She said getting up and running at a glance into the arms of a woman. He thought he was no longer doing anything there and he went home without telling her anything. "Maria!" She said again while she was still hugging Maria. "I don't know what to do! I'm so lost!" She continued. "Calm down, sweety. Everything is going to be ok!" Maria said soothingly her. The doctor arrived and seemed to bring news. "Fortunately he only has a few broken ribs and fractured his pelvis but now he is conscious, but just for precaution we will keep him in surveillance until the end of the week to do some more exams." Said the doctor. "Thank you, doctor! I'm glad he's okay!" Maria said. The doctor returned to his work. "I warned you that he was going to be okay! Now go home, take a shower and rest. I'll be here with him." Maria said. And she gave her a kiss, thanked her and walked home. She wasn't sure why she needed to breathe some air. She felt she needed to breathe more than in any of the other days. Well, but that is already another kind of words. Ana Reis
Today my words are storytellers. They will tell you a simple story. A story like all the other stories we're used to hear. Or, not. And this story is a story of a boy who meets a girl but you need to know that this is not a love story. Where were we exactly? Oh! Now I remember. She stopped crying. She lifted her head slowly and looked at him. For him that exchange of glances seemed to last 60 minutes. But it didn't last more than 60 seconds. "Maria!" She said getting up and running at a glance into the arms of a woman. He thought he was no longer doing anything there and he went home without telling her anything. "Maria!" She said again while she was still hugging Maria. "I don't know what to do! I'm so lost!" She continued. "Calm down, sweety. Everything is going to be ok!" Maria said soothingly her. The doctor arrived and seemed to bring news. "Fortunately he only has a few broken ribs and fractured his pelvis but now he is conscious, but just for precaution we will keep him in surveillance until the end of the week to do some more exams." Said the doctor. "Thank you, doctor! I'm glad he's okay!" Maria said. The doctor returned to his work. "I warned you that he was going to be okay! Now go home, take a shower and rest. I'll be here with him." Maria said. And she gave her a kiss, thanked her and walked home. She wasn't sure why she needed to breathe some air. She felt she needed to breathe more than in any of the other days. Well, but that is already another kind of words. Ana Reis
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