As palavras soltas de hoje estão mais filosóficas. A filosofia faz parte da vida. A filosofia faz parte da nossa vida. Da vida de cada pessoa, de cada animal, de cada coisa, ... Faz parte de todo o universo. A metafísica está presente em cada silêncio, em cada ausência de barulho, em cada momento de introspeção. A metafísica irrompe os meus pensamentos em diversos momentos do meu dia-a-dia. E, o mais engraçado, é que quase nem dou por isso. Questiono tudo e todos. Questiono o que vejo e o que não vejo e, também, aquilo que me dizem para ver. O que penso eu sobre a vida? Sei lá o que penso sobre a vida. Hoje não penso. Quem sou eu? De onde vimos ou para onde vamos? Como foi criado o mundo? Nada sei sobre estes assuntos. Sei o que me disseram ou o que me contaram ou ensinaram. Sei apenas isso. E eu já nem sei dizer-vos se foram histórias, contos ou ensinamentos o que me falaram sobre este tema. Para mim, se quero pensar nisso, basta-me fechar os olhos e não pensar. Esvaziar o meu pensamento por completo de pensamentos e de outros resíduos que possam nele existir. E como faço para não pensar? Basta-me fechar as persianas e correr as cortinas da janela da minha mente mas, a única diferença é que ela não tem persianas e, muito menos, cortinas. Se sei algo mais sobre o mistério que é a vida? Eu nem sei o que é a vida, quanto mais o que é o mistério da vida! A única vida que penso saber é a minha e, mesmo assim, só penso saber, só acho que sei sem saber que, na realidade, nada sei sobre ela. E o único mistério que me faz frente diariamente é o de haver quem questione, interrogue e pense no mistério da vida. Faz-me lembrar os dias de verão, quando me deito ao sol só para olhar o sol. E que bem que sabe olhá-lo! E, como todos sabemos, os olhos tendem a fechar-se. Ou, melhor ainda, as pálpebras fecham-se. Os músculos relaxam de forma a elas poderem fechar e descontrair. A verdade é que, enquanto estamos com os olhos bem abertos a ver o sol conseguimos saber como ele é mas, a partir do momento em que os fechamos, passamos a ter uma imagem virtual dele até que deixamos de ter qualquer imagem sua. E o seu calor faz-nos imaginar coisas com muito calor, coisas que nos aquecem tal como aqueles raios solares que tocam a nossa pele. Deixamos de saber o que é o sol e passamos a saber o que são as coisas que nos aquecem como o sol. E, quando sentimos saudades de saber o que é o sol, voltamos a abrir os olhos, as pálpebras, contraindo os músculos. E vemos o sol. E todos os nossos pensamentos desaparecem porque já não podemos pensar em mais nada pois aquela luz vale mais do que tudo e todos os pensamentos que nos possam preencher a mente. Vale mais do que todos os pensamentos de filósofos ou poetas. Vale mais do que qualquer metafísica que possa teimar em existir na nossa mente. A luz do sol é livre, é independente, não sabe o que faz. E, por ser desta forma, não erra, é de todos e não é de ninguém, e é boa. A luz do sol não tem qualquer tipo de maldade. E a metafísica? E que metafísica existe no meu Bonsai? A de ter folhas verdes? A de dar flores brancas quando assim o entende ou quando a estação do ano o permite? O que não nos fazem pensar as plantas nas nossas casas por quase nem darmos por elas. Não sabemos notar a sua presença, a sua existência. Mas haverá melhor metafísica que a das plantas, que é a de não saberem para que vivem sem nunca o questionarem? Todas estas leis e teoremas/ teorias sobre a vida e o universo não querem dizer nada. É incrível que existam cabeças pré-fabricadas para pensarem nessas coisas e noutras que jamais me passariam pela cabeça. É como questionar se é a Terra que gira à volta do Sol ou se é o Sol que gira em torno da Terra. Pensar em razões e finalidades. Porque é que posso estar a um metro de chuva intensa e não me chover na cabeça? É quase como levar um copo de água a quem não tem sede ou a quem está mesmo perto de uma fonte com água potável. O único sentido que as coisas que nos rodeiam têm é o de não terem qualquer sentido. E a tudo aquilo que na minha vida não faz sentido ou deixa de o fazer costumo chamar-lhe de sol e luar, de flores e árvores, de montes e serras,..., e amo tudo isto sem questionar porque os amo, e questiono-os quando vejo-os e ouço-os, dando-lhes atenção, e ando com eles a toda a hora para que alegrem o meu dia e todo o meu ser. Mas isto já são outras palavras soltas. Ana Reis
The words of today are more philosophical. The philosophy is part of life. The philosophy is part of our life. It's part of the life of every person, every animal, everything ... It's part of the whole universe. Metaphysics is present in every silence, every absence of noise, in every moment of introspection. Metaphysics breaks my thoughts at different times of my daily routine. And the funny thing is that I hardly notice its presence. I question everything and everyone. I question what I see and what I can't see and also what everyone tell me to see. What I think about life? I don't know what I think about life. Today I just don't think about anything. Who am I? Where we come from or where are we going? How was the world created? I don't know anything about these themes. I know what someone told or taught me. I only know it. And now I can't tell you if what they told me were stories or teachings. If I want to think about it I just need to close my eyes and stop thinking. I empty completely my mind of thoughts and other wastes that may exist in there. And how can I stop thinking? I just close the shutters and draw the curtains of the window of my mind but the only difference is that it has no shutters and much less curtains. Do I know something more about the mystery that life is? I don't know what life is so how do I know what is the mystery of life?! The only life I think I know is my life, but I only hink that I know it, I just think I know it without knowing that, in reality, I know nothing about it. And the only mystery that follows me daily is the fact of some people still making questions, interrogations and think about the mystery of life. It reminds me the summer days, when I lie down in the sun just to look at the sun. And how amazing this feeling is! And as we all know, the eyes tend to close. Or, better, the eyelids close. Muscles relax so they can close and unwind. The truth is that while we are with our eyes wide open to see the sun we know how the sun is, but from the moment we close them we start having a virtual image of it until we no longer have any image. And its heat makes us imagine things that like the sun are hot, things that warm us like the sunlight that touches our skin. We start to ignore what is the sun and we start to know what are the things that warms us like the sun. And when we miss the sun, we open again our eyes, our eyelids, twitching muscles. And so we see the sun. And all our thoughts disappear because we can't think of anything else because that light is more than everything and all thoughts that can fill our mind. It's more than all the thoughts of philosophers or poets. It's more than any metaphysics that persist to exist in our minds. The sunlight is free, is independent, doesn't know what's doing. And, because it is like it is, it doesn't make any mistake, it's for everyone, and it is good. The sun doesn't have any kind of evil. And Metaphysics? And what about the metaphysics that exists in my Bonsai? Are in the green leaves that it has? Are in white flowers that borns when it wants or when the season allows? What the plants in our homes don't make us think because we almost don't feel its presence. We don't feel their presence, their existence. But there will be better metaphysics than the metaphysics of the plants, which is they don't know why they live without even questioning it? All these laws and theorems/ theories about life and the universe mean nothing. It's amazing that there are prefabricated minds to think about these things and other thing that would never cross my mind. It is like questioning whether the earth turns around the sun or if it is the Sun that turns around the Earth. It's like thinking about reasons and purposes. Why can be raining a meter near me and not raining on my head? It's almost like taking a drink of water to who isn't thirsty or to who is closed to a source of drinking water. The only sense that the things around us have is the fact of they haven't any sense. And everything that don't make any sense in my life I often call them sun and moon, flowers and trees, hills and mountains, ... and I love them all without make any question, and I question them when I see and hear them, when I'm giving them attention, and they are with me all the time to gladden my day and my whole being. But these are already another kind of words. Ana Reis
The words of today are more philosophical. The philosophy is part of life. The philosophy is part of our life. It's part of the life of every person, every animal, everything ... It's part of the whole universe. Metaphysics is present in every silence, every absence of noise, in every moment of introspection. Metaphysics breaks my thoughts at different times of my daily routine. And the funny thing is that I hardly notice its presence. I question everything and everyone. I question what I see and what I can't see and also what everyone tell me to see. What I think about life? I don't know what I think about life. Today I just don't think about anything. Who am I? Where we come from or where are we going? How was the world created? I don't know anything about these themes. I know what someone told or taught me. I only know it. And now I can't tell you if what they told me were stories or teachings. If I want to think about it I just need to close my eyes and stop thinking. I empty completely my mind of thoughts and other wastes that may exist in there. And how can I stop thinking? I just close the shutters and draw the curtains of the window of my mind but the only difference is that it has no shutters and much less curtains. Do I know something more about the mystery that life is? I don't know what life is so how do I know what is the mystery of life?! The only life I think I know is my life, but I only hink that I know it, I just think I know it without knowing that, in reality, I know nothing about it. And the only mystery that follows me daily is the fact of some people still making questions, interrogations and think about the mystery of life. It reminds me the summer days, when I lie down in the sun just to look at the sun. And how amazing this feeling is! And as we all know, the eyes tend to close. Or, better, the eyelids close. Muscles relax so they can close and unwind. The truth is that while we are with our eyes wide open to see the sun we know how the sun is, but from the moment we close them we start having a virtual image of it until we no longer have any image. And its heat makes us imagine things that like the sun are hot, things that warm us like the sunlight that touches our skin. We start to ignore what is the sun and we start to know what are the things that warms us like the sun. And when we miss the sun, we open again our eyes, our eyelids, twitching muscles. And so we see the sun. And all our thoughts disappear because we can't think of anything else because that light is more than everything and all thoughts that can fill our mind. It's more than all the thoughts of philosophers or poets. It's more than any metaphysics that persist to exist in our minds. The sunlight is free, is independent, doesn't know what's doing. And, because it is like it is, it doesn't make any mistake, it's for everyone, and it is good. The sun doesn't have any kind of evil. And Metaphysics? And what about the metaphysics that exists in my Bonsai? Are in the green leaves that it has? Are in white flowers that borns when it wants or when the season allows? What the plants in our homes don't make us think because we almost don't feel its presence. We don't feel their presence, their existence. But there will be better metaphysics than the metaphysics of the plants, which is they don't know why they live without even questioning it? All these laws and theorems/ theories about life and the universe mean nothing. It's amazing that there are prefabricated minds to think about these things and other thing that would never cross my mind. It is like questioning whether the earth turns around the sun or if it is the Sun that turns around the Earth. It's like thinking about reasons and purposes. Why can be raining a meter near me and not raining on my head? It's almost like taking a drink of water to who isn't thirsty or to who is closed to a source of drinking water. The only sense that the things around us have is the fact of they haven't any sense. And everything that don't make any sense in my life I often call them sun and moon, flowers and trees, hills and mountains, ... and I love them all without make any question, and I question them when I see and hear them, when I'm giving them attention, and they are with me all the time to gladden my day and my whole being. But these are already another kind of words. Ana Reis
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