As palavras soltas de hoje falam sobre açúcar. E neste meu coração carrego palavras macias, os desejos que o teu amor refinou, açucarados, aguçados, refinados e afinados por pequenas pinceladas dos dedos da tua mão. Retoques que foste dando. Na memória ficaram nossos mimos e carícias, sedosos, harmoniosos, melosos. Cheiro adocicado e sabor açucarado de nossos beijos trocados. Meus lábios de veludo e teus lábios aveludados trocaram promessas sem fim. São poetas sem poesia e sem fim parece tão pouco tempo perante um amor assim. Expressão máxima da paixão. Dois corpos que partilham doçura, amor e alma. Dois corpos perfumados, inebriados por tamanho amor, por inigualável paixão. E na cândida essência que os dois corpos emanam perdemo-nos no labirinto do tempo. Percorro, agora, céus e mares, montanhas e planícies. Rendo-me perante o teu sorriso. Rendo-me perante os teus olhos, o teu olhar. Rendo-me diante dos teus beijos. Morro no teu abraço. Somos dois corações entrelaçados. Somos fonte de suspiros consumados, um doce amanhecer. Bem mas isto já são outras palavras soltas. Ana Reis
Today my words talk about sugar. And in my heart I carry soft words, the desires that your love has refined, sharpened and refined by small strokes of your fingers. And you have refined everything. In my memory is our pampering and caresses, silky, harmonious, sweet. The sweet smell and sugary taste of our exchanged kisses. Mine and yours velvet lips exchanged endless promises. They are poets without poetry and endless seems to be not enough for such love. Maximum expression of passion. Two bodies that share sweetness, love and soul. Two perfumed bodies, inebriated by love, by unparalleled passion. And in the candid essence that the two bodies emanate we lose ourselves in the labyrinth of time. And I walk through skies and seas, mountains and plains. And I ssurrender before your smile. I surrender before your eyes, your look. I surrender to your kisses. I die in your embrace. We are two intertwined hearts. We are the source of consummate sighs, a sweet dawn. Well, but these are already another kind of words. Ana Reis
Today my words talk about sugar. And in my heart I carry soft words, the desires that your love has refined, sharpened and refined by small strokes of your fingers. And you have refined everything. In my memory is our pampering and caresses, silky, harmonious, sweet. The sweet smell and sugary taste of our exchanged kisses. Mine and yours velvet lips exchanged endless promises. They are poets without poetry and endless seems to be not enough for such love. Maximum expression of passion. Two bodies that share sweetness, love and soul. Two perfumed bodies, inebriated by love, by unparalleled passion. And in the candid essence that the two bodies emanate we lose ourselves in the labyrinth of time. And I walk through skies and seas, mountains and plains. And I ssurrender before your smile. I surrender before your eyes, your look. I surrender to your kisses. I die in your embrace. We are two intertwined hearts. We are the source of consummate sighs, a sweet dawn. Well, but these are already another kind of words. Ana Reis
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