As palavras soltas de hoje falam sobre espuma. Um banho de espuma. Um branco véu que nos cobre da cabeça aos pés. Espuma como a bruma. Água que vai fluindo ao longo de uma vida inteira. Espuma que nos trás conforto. Espuma que sopramos e fazemos alcançar o céu. Quando o céu nem chega a ser limite. Espuma é liberdade. Uma lufada de felicidade. Espuma é paz no coração. Um aconchego no peito que acalma a solidão. Espuma traz consigo uma luz contente de um belo sol poente. Carregada de brilho. Espuma é pensamentos distantes, longínquos. É a presença de alguém distante. Espuma traz consigo canções com letras, mais ou menos, melancólicas. Espuma torna o viver plausível. Espuma transforma o irreal em realidade, mais do que pura emoção. Espuma faz de cortina, de cobertor, ... Espuma faz de casaco no Inverno e de guarda-sol no Verão. Espuma tem o mar quando rebenta as suas ondas. Espuma que vai e vem. Espuma e mais espuma. E hoje ... Bem, hoje o que eu mais quero é um banho de espuma. Bem, mas isto já são outras palavras soltas. Ana Reis
Today my words talk about foam. A bubble bath. A white veil that covers us from our head to our toe. Foam like mist. Water that flows throughout a lifetime. Foam that brings us comfort. Foam that we blow and it almost reach the sky. When the sky is not even a limit. Foam is freedom. A breath of happiness. Foam is peace in the heart. A warmth in the chest that soothes loneliness. Foam brings the a happy light of a beautiful setting sun. Full of brightness. Foam is distant thoughts. It is the presence of someone away for so long. Foam brings with it songs with more or less melancholics lyrics. Foam makes living plausible. Foam turns the unreal into reality, more than pure emotion. Foam makes a curtain, a blanket, ... Foam is a coat in the winter and an umbrella in the summer. Foam has the sea when it blows its waves. Foam that comes and goes. Foam and more foam. And today ... Well, today what I want the most is a bubble bath. Well, but these are already another kind of words. Ana Reis
Today my words talk about foam. A bubble bath. A white veil that covers us from our head to our toe. Foam like mist. Water that flows throughout a lifetime. Foam that brings us comfort. Foam that we blow and it almost reach the sky. When the sky is not even a limit. Foam is freedom. A breath of happiness. Foam is peace in the heart. A warmth in the chest that soothes loneliness. Foam brings the a happy light of a beautiful setting sun. Full of brightness. Foam is distant thoughts. It is the presence of someone away for so long. Foam brings with it songs with more or less melancholics lyrics. Foam makes living plausible. Foam turns the unreal into reality, more than pure emotion. Foam makes a curtain, a blanket, ... Foam is a coat in the winter and an umbrella in the summer. Foam has the sea when it blows its waves. Foam that comes and goes. Foam and more foam. And today ... Well, today what I want the most is a bubble bath. Well, but these are already another kind of words. Ana Reis
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