As palavras soltas de hoje falam sobre o espaço. Um dia vou repousar a minha cabeça no teu colo e ouvir-te falar sobre o espaço. Vais dizer-me porque brilham as estrelas e o que são as estrelas cadentes. Vais falar-me dos planetas e contar-me a história de cada um deles. De janela aberta irás mostrar-me todas as constelações e contar pelos dedos das nossas mãos todas as estrelas do céu. E serão precisos os meus e os teus dedos da mão. E, neste abraço quase perfeito, olhamos o céu estrelado. Contas-me os segredos que a lua esconde. E eu acredito em todos eles. Não importa se os inventaste só para prender a minha atenção. O mais importante é poder ouvir-te. O mais importante é ter, por momentos, a tua atenção. Apontas para o céu com o teu dedo indicador. É uma estrela cadente. Um dia, vou repousar a minha cabeça no teu colo e jura que vais dizer-me para onde vão as estrelas cadentes. E as tuas palavras matam cada linha que li nos livros de ciência sobre o espaço. Gosto muito mais das tuas palavras. Fala-me mais sobre o nosso espaço. Bem, mas estas já são outras palavras soltas. Ana Reis
Today my words talk about the Space. One day I'm going to lay my head on your lap and hear you talk about the Space. You're going to tell me why the stars shine and what the shining stars are. You're going to tell me about the planets and tell me the story of each one of them. From an open window you will show me all the constellations and count by the fingers of our hands all the stars of the sky. And mine and your fingers will be needed. And in this almost perfect embrace, we look at the starry sky. You tell me every single secret that the moon hides. And I believe in every single word that you're telling me. It doesn't matter if you invented them just to get my attention. The most important thing is to be able to listen to you. The most important thing is to have your attention for a few moments. You point your finger to the sky. It's a shooting star. One day I'm going to lay my head on your lap but please swear that you're going to tell me where do the shooting stars go. And your words kill every line I've read about space in science books. But your words are so much better. Please tell me more about our Space. Well, but these are already another kind of words. Ana Reis
Today my words talk about the Space. One day I'm going to lay my head on your lap and hear you talk about the Space. You're going to tell me why the stars shine and what the shining stars are. You're going to tell me about the planets and tell me the story of each one of them. From an open window you will show me all the constellations and count by the fingers of our hands all the stars of the sky. And mine and your fingers will be needed. And in this almost perfect embrace, we look at the starry sky. You tell me every single secret that the moon hides. And I believe in every single word that you're telling me. It doesn't matter if you invented them just to get my attention. The most important thing is to be able to listen to you. The most important thing is to have your attention for a few moments. You point your finger to the sky. It's a shooting star. One day I'm going to lay my head on your lap but please swear that you're going to tell me where do the shooting stars go. And your words kill every line I've read about space in science books. But your words are so much better. Please tell me more about our Space. Well, but these are already another kind of words. Ana Reis
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