As palavras soltas de hoje falam sobre flamingos. Os flamingos sempre foram aves que me fascinaram. Flamingo = Phoenicopterus roseus. Os flamingos são aves pernaltas e, facilmente, me fazem rir. Dou gargalhadas mentais sempre que vejo um animal daquele porte suspenso numa só pata. Como é possível?! Eles são, certamente, muito mais fortes do que o Hércules. Ou, então, vão muitas vezes ao ginásio. Claro que a opção do ginásio é muito mais viável e credível. Os flamingos sempre foram aves que me fascinaram. O seu bico é curvo. O seu bico é tão curvo que parece uma garra. Mas os flamingos não comem carne. Os flamingos alimentam-se de algas e pequenos crustáceos. Gosto do preto misturado no rosa do seu bico. Os flamingos sempre me fascinaram. Não sei se foi por ler livros sobre animais. Não sei se foram os livros de histórias que a minha mãe me lia. Já não me recordo. Mas eu sempre tive um grande fascínio por flamingos. Os flamingos podem medir entre 90 e 150 cm, o que quer dizer que algumas pessoas são do tamanho de flamingos. E outras serão mais pequenas... Será possível?! A sua plumagem é bastante colorida, em alguns casos. Os flamingos vivem em bandos numerosos. Como conseguem andar com pernas tão esguias?! Dou uma gargalhada só de pensar nisso. Mas nada me fascina mais do que hipopótamos! Bem, mas isto já são outras palavras soltas. Ana Reis
Today my words talk about flamingos. Flamingos have always fascinated me. Flamingo = Phoenicopterus roseus. Flamingos are waders that easily make me laugh. I Laugh mentally every time I see an animal of that size suspended in only one leg. How is it possible?! They are certainly much stronger than Hercules. Or they often go to the gym. Of course the gym option is much more feasible and credible. Flamingos have always fascinated me. It has a heavy bent bill that is held upside down in the water in order to filter-feed on small organisms. Its bill is so curved that it seems a claw. But flamingos don't eat meat. Flamingos eat algae and small crustaceans. I like the black mixed in the pink of its beak. Flamingos have always fascinated me. I don't know if it was because I read books about animals or if it was the story books my mother used to read to me. I don't remember. But I always had a great fascination for flamingos. Flamingos can measure between 90 and 150 cm, which means that some people have exactly the size of flamingos. And others are smaller ... Is it possible?! Its plumage is quite colorful in some cases. Flamingos live in large numbers. But how can it walk with such slender legs?! I laugh just by thinking about it. But nothing fascinates me more than hippos! Well, but these are already another kind of words. Ana Reis
Today my words talk about flamingos. Flamingos have always fascinated me. Flamingo = Phoenicopterus roseus. Flamingos are waders that easily make me laugh. I Laugh mentally every time I see an animal of that size suspended in only one leg. How is it possible?! They are certainly much stronger than Hercules. Or they often go to the gym. Of course the gym option is much more feasible and credible. Flamingos have always fascinated me. It has a heavy bent bill that is held upside down in the water in order to filter-feed on small organisms. Its bill is so curved that it seems a claw. But flamingos don't eat meat. Flamingos eat algae and small crustaceans. I like the black mixed in the pink of its beak. Flamingos have always fascinated me. I don't know if it was because I read books about animals or if it was the story books my mother used to read to me. I don't remember. But I always had a great fascination for flamingos. Flamingos can measure between 90 and 150 cm, which means that some people have exactly the size of flamingos. And others are smaller ... Is it possible?! Its plumage is quite colorful in some cases. Flamingos live in large numbers. But how can it walk with such slender legs?! I laugh just by thinking about it. But nothing fascinates me more than hippos! Well, but these are already another kind of words. Ana Reis
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