As palavras soltas de hoje falam sobre o mar. E conto-te o amor ardente e as ilhas que habitam, tão só e somente, no verbo amar. E o mar traz mistérios. Esconde mistérios nas suas águas e nas suas maravilhas. Nas maravilhas do verbo navegar. Brindemos com um copo de vinho tinto! Mais um e conto-te como dói. Desembarcamos nas ilhas misteriosas. E dói. Falo-te sobre o verbo amar. Conto-te sobre o amor ardente e sobre as coisas perigosas. O amor é feito de suspiros. Puro. É fogo que nos ameaça. Um mar de lágrimas. Terna loucura. Amargo na boca. Doçura requintada. O amor é capaz de imprimir novos rumos ao barco agitado que foi a minha vida. Desancorei a âncora e disse adeus. Um adeus sem lágrimas. Estou de partida. Deixo para trás portos perdidos. Quero viver. Viver diferente. Ou não fosse eu quem dita a minha sorte. Parto. E outros olhares me fazem sorrir. Lições tristes que aprendi, levo-as comigo. A felicidade mora nas ondas da praia. Nos suspiros profundos das ondas do mar. Quero afogar-me em felicidade. E deixo que as ondas me venham beijar. Deixar-me repousar no baloiçar das ondas do mar. Quero descansar. Bem, mas estas já são outras palavras soltas. Ana Reis
Today my words talk about the sea. And I tell you about the fiery love and the islands that live in the verb to love. And the sea brings mysteries. Hide mysteries in its waters and in its wonders. In the wonders of the verb navigate. Let's toast with a glass of red wine! One more and I tell you how it hurts. We landed on the mysterious islands. And it hurts. I'm talking about the verb to love. I tell you everything about burning love and dangerous things. Love is made of sighs. Pure. It is a fire that threatens us. A sea of tears. Tender madness. Bitter in the mouth. Exquisite sweetness. Love is able to give new directions to the busy boat that my life used to be. I undocked the anchor and said goodbye. A goodbye without tears. I'm leaving. I leave behind lost ports. I want to live. Live different. I am the one who have the power to create my fate. I leave. And other eyes will make me smile. And I'll take with me all the sad lessons that I've learned. Happiness lives on the waves of the beach. In the deep sighs of the sea waves. I want to drown me in happiness. And I let the waves come and kiss me. Let me rest in the swell of the waves of the sea. I want to rest. Well, but these are already another kind of words. Ana Reis
Today my words talk about the sea. And I tell you about the fiery love and the islands that live in the verb to love. And the sea brings mysteries. Hide mysteries in its waters and in its wonders. In the wonders of the verb navigate. Let's toast with a glass of red wine! One more and I tell you how it hurts. We landed on the mysterious islands. And it hurts. I'm talking about the verb to love. I tell you everything about burning love and dangerous things. Love is made of sighs. Pure. It is a fire that threatens us. A sea of tears. Tender madness. Bitter in the mouth. Exquisite sweetness. Love is able to give new directions to the busy boat that my life used to be. I undocked the anchor and said goodbye. A goodbye without tears. I'm leaving. I leave behind lost ports. I want to live. Live different. I am the one who have the power to create my fate. I leave. And other eyes will make me smile. And I'll take with me all the sad lessons that I've learned. Happiness lives on the waves of the beach. In the deep sighs of the sea waves. I want to drown me in happiness. And I let the waves come and kiss me. Let me rest in the swell of the waves of the sea. I want to rest. Well, but these are already another kind of words. Ana Reis
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