As palavras soltas de hoje querem falar sobre pessoas. Ela era uma menina carregada de sonhos e sorrisos. As suas tranças pareciam ter sido feitas à mão com um cuidado e uma atenção fora do normal. E foram. A sua avó gostava de a sentar no chão, no meio das suas pernas, e fazer-lhe todo o tipo de tranças com toda a perfeição própria de uma avó. Todos os dias era a mesma rotina e eram os mesmos conselhos. Todos os dias ela seguia o seu caminho, com a mochila às costas, sorridente e sempre a olhar para a janela à espera de um aceno da sua avó. E ela acenava sempre. O seu avô também acenava-lhe da mesma janela. Muitas crianças faziam o mesmo trajeto acompanhados pelos seus pais. Mas ela não. Ela não ia acompanhada mas era como se fosse. Ia com o coração cheio de tranças e acenos de duas pessoas que a amavam muito. O amor é vida. O amor é lei. O amor é a lei da vida. E, venha quem vier, ninguém pode questionar ou apontar o dedo a todos aqueles que emurchecem aos poucos, na dor de um amor incompreendido ou perdido. Cativamos. E, por isso, tornámo-nos responsáveis por todos os que cativamos e/ou por todos aqueles que nos confiam o seu coração. Bem, mas isto já são outras palavras soltas. Ana Reis
Today my words want to talk about people. She was a girl full of dreams and smiles. Her hair plait seemed that had been made with care and an attention out of normal. And it was. Her grandmother liked to sit her on the floor in the middle of her legs and made all kinds of plaits in her hair with all the proper perfection of a grandmother. Every day there were same routines and same advices. Every day she left home, with her backpacking, always smiling and looking at the window waiting for a wave from her grandmother. And she always waved. His grandfather also waved at the same window. Many children did the same journey accompanied by their parents. But she didn't. She wasn't accompanied but it was like she was. She was accompanied by a heart full of waves and plaits from two people who loved her so much. Love is life. Love is the law. Love is the law of life. And, come whoever comes, no one can question or point a finger at those who wilt gradually because of the pain of a lost or misunderstood love. We captivate others. And so, we became responsible for everyone that we captivate. Well, but this is already another kind of words. Ana Reis
Today my words want to talk about people. She was a girl full of dreams and smiles. Her hair plait seemed that had been made with care and an attention out of normal. And it was. Her grandmother liked to sit her on the floor in the middle of her legs and made all kinds of plaits in her hair with all the proper perfection of a grandmother. Every day there were same routines and same advices. Every day she left home, with her backpacking, always smiling and looking at the window waiting for a wave from her grandmother. And she always waved. His grandfather also waved at the same window. Many children did the same journey accompanied by their parents. But she didn't. She wasn't accompanied but it was like she was. She was accompanied by a heart full of waves and plaits from two people who loved her so much. Love is life. Love is the law. Love is the law of life. And, come whoever comes, no one can question or point a finger at those who wilt gradually because of the pain of a lost or misunderstood love. We captivate others. And so, we became responsible for everyone that we captivate. Well, but this is already another kind of words. Ana Reis
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