Podia começar a debitar mil e uma palavras nesta página e deixá-las ficar. Algumas ficariam esquecidas. Outras perdidas. E haveria sempre alguma que ficaria apenas depositada e ponto. Mas o meu objectivo não é criar uma lixeira de palavras e muito menos um cemitério delas. Quero que elas possam fluir. Que cheguem a algum destino. A mente humana fascina-me. Adoro observar e avaliar o percurso da minha mente. Ontem tive uma experiência no mínimo fantástica. Cheguei sem saber o que me esperava. O desconhecido torna-se, muitas vezes, assustador. Mas aquele desconhecido soou-me a aventura. Estava mesmo muito curiosa por saber com iria ser. A novidade também pode gerar medo mas não foi o caso. O segurança assegurou-me que eu estava no local certo. Menos mal. Inspirei fundo e expirei. Isto tudo antes que o meu típico ataque de pânico pudesse pensar em mostrar o ar da sua graça. E não mostrou. Ficou-se pelo seu refúgio. E que fique por muito tempo. Eu quero que ele fique. O sorriso dela fez-me recordar a primeira vez que vi-a. A sala estava vazia e iluminada pela luz artificial de um candeeiro de tecto. Os colchões estavam encostados à parede. Olhámo-nos. Estávamos somente 3 pessoas, sem contar com ela. Apresentámo-nos umas às outras. Elas pareciam ser bastante mais novas do que eu. E só descobri isso quando elas começaram a falar. É impressionante como uma conversa consegue revelar, mais ou menos, a nossa idade. Quando ouvem-me até conseguem saber a minha idade. Mas eu não deixo morrer a criança que há em mim porque preciso dela. Talvez seja o meu método de auto-defesa. E é. Mas os outros não entendem. Felizmente (para mim). Os outros vêem o que querem ver ou o que conseguem ver e nem se esforçam por ver um pouco mais além. Dá muito trabalho aos neurónios. "-Pareces uma criança..." E é isto que eu tenho que ouvir. Mas ouço e deixo que digam-no. E só eu sei o porquê. Elas eram mais novas do que eu. Aconchegámo-nos cada uma no seu colchão como se se tratasse da nossa cama. Imaginei que estava no meu quarto. O meu quarto é sempre aquele lugar onde sinto-me em casa. Porquê?! Porque tem um cheiro, uma côr, uma luminosidade, um brilho, um quê, tem qualquer coisa especial. E tem-me a mim. É o meu espaço de há muitos anos e talvez por isso o sinta assim tanto como meu. "-Quem estiver a sentir-se mal pode sair da sala a qualquer momento ou levantar o braço. Não há qualquer problema!" Epah! Uma boca para mim. A carapuça serviu-me na perfeição. Mas o pânico estava de férias, pelo menos por enquanto. Estava mentalizada a não fazer figuras tristes naquela pequena sala com tão pouca gente. Gente da qual eu só sabia o nome. Nem pensar! Começamos a respirar pelo abdómen - respiração abdominal. Lembrei-me logo do Junior. Mas isto não era Kum Nye. Quando dei por mim já estava com a mesma sensação de levitação. Que enervante! O meu corpo sentia-se a sair de si próprio. Foi quando apercebi-me que um telemóvel estava a dar sinal de chamada. Não era um sinal sonoro mas eu consegui aperceber-me disso. Aproveitei o momento para mexer o meu dedo mindinho da mão direita para começar a sair daquele estado de "levitação". E consegui, a muito custo, voltar a mim. O relaxamento terminou, como era suposto ser, calmamente. Quando voltamos a trocar olhares estávamos nitidamente mais relaxadas. Uma delas até estava sempre a bocejar e cheia de sono. No final trocámos impressões e depois cada uma de nós seguiu o seu caminho. E na minha mente ficou resgistada a seguinte aprendizagem: repetir três vezes cada mensagem ao nosso corpo, quando queremos que ele a interiorize, é o truque. Resulta? Claro que resulta apenas temos que ensiná-lo a ouvir-nos. Nem sempre é fácil. Nem sempre se consegue. Às vezes ele faz-se passar por surdo. Se eu consigo? Claro que sim. Mas nem sempre o meu corpo é obediente. E por isso todos os dias relembro-lhe o que eu quero que ele seja. Mas isso já são outras palavras soltas.
Ana Reis
"I could begin writing a thousand words on this page and let them stay. Some of them would be forgotten. Other lost. But my aim isn't to create a dump of words and even less a cemetery. I want them to flow. I want them to get to some destination. The human mind fascinates me. I love to observe and evaluate the route of my mind. Yesterday I had at least a fantastic experience. I arrived without knowing what to expect. The unknown often becomes scary. But that stranger urged me the spirit of adventure. I was really curious to know what would happen. The novelty may also generate fear but it wasn't the situation. The security assured me that I was at the right place. I took a deep breath and exhaled before my typical panic attack could think to show its grace. And it didn't show. It has remained at its refuge. I want him to stay there. Her smile made me remember the first time I saw her. The room was empty and illuminated by artificial light from a ceiling lamp. The mattresses were against the wall. We stared to each other. We were only 3 people in the room. We introduce ourselves to each other. They seemed to be quite younger than me. And I only discovered this when they started talking. It's amazing how a conversation can reveal, more or less, our age. When I talk everyone can determine my age. But I don't let the child inside of me die because I need it. Maybe it's my method of self - defense. And it is. But others don't understand. Fortunately ( for me ). Others see what they want to see or what they can see and don't bother to see a little further. It gives a lot of work to their neurons. "-You look like a child..." And this is what I have to hear. But I listen and I let them say. And only I know why. They were younger than me. We snuggled ourselves in our mattress as if it were our bed. I figured I was in my room. My room is always the place where I feel at home. Why? Because it has a smell, a color, a brightness, a glow, a hint, it has something special. And it has me. It's my space (home) for many years and perhaps the reason I feel it like mine. "-Who starts feeling bad can leave the room at any time or raising the arm. There is no problem!" Ups! She was talking to me. The cowl suited me perfectly. But my panic was on vacation, at least for now. I've mentalized myself how bad it was to make figures in that small room with so few people. And I only knew their name. No way! We begin to breathe through our abdomen - abdominal breathing. I remembered Junior. But this was not Kum Nye. Then I had the same feeling of levitation. That darned! My body felt out of himself. That's when I realized I was listening a mobile phone ringing. There wasn't a beep but I got me realizing it. I took the time to move my little finger of the right hand to get out of that moment of " levitation ". And I did get back to me. The relaxation ended, as it was supposed to be, calmly. When we returned to ourselves we were more relaxed. One of them was always up yawning and full of sleep. In the end we exchanged impressions and then each one of us went his way. And in my mind I fixed the following message: repeated three times the message to your body when you want it to obey, it's the trick. Results? Of course results you just have to teach it to hear you. It isn't always that easy. Do I can? Sure. But it isn't always. And so every day I remind it what I want it to be. But it is already another kind of words." Ana Reis
Ana Reis
"I could begin writing a thousand words on this page and let them stay. Some of them would be forgotten. Other lost. But my aim isn't to create a dump of words and even less a cemetery. I want them to flow. I want them to get to some destination. The human mind fascinates me. I love to observe and evaluate the route of my mind. Yesterday I had at least a fantastic experience. I arrived without knowing what to expect. The unknown often becomes scary. But that stranger urged me the spirit of adventure. I was really curious to know what would happen. The novelty may also generate fear but it wasn't the situation. The security assured me that I was at the right place. I took a deep breath and exhaled before my typical panic attack could think to show its grace. And it didn't show. It has remained at its refuge. I want him to stay there. Her smile made me remember the first time I saw her. The room was empty and illuminated by artificial light from a ceiling lamp. The mattresses were against the wall. We stared to each other. We were only 3 people in the room. We introduce ourselves to each other. They seemed to be quite younger than me. And I only discovered this when they started talking. It's amazing how a conversation can reveal, more or less, our age. When I talk everyone can determine my age. But I don't let the child inside of me die because I need it. Maybe it's my method of self - defense. And it is. But others don't understand. Fortunately ( for me ). Others see what they want to see or what they can see and don't bother to see a little further. It gives a lot of work to their neurons. "-You look like a child..." And this is what I have to hear. But I listen and I let them say. And only I know why. They were younger than me. We snuggled ourselves in our mattress as if it were our bed. I figured I was in my room. My room is always the place where I feel at home. Why? Because it has a smell, a color, a brightness, a glow, a hint, it has something special. And it has me. It's my space (home) for many years and perhaps the reason I feel it like mine. "-Who starts feeling bad can leave the room at any time or raising the arm. There is no problem!" Ups! She was talking to me. The cowl suited me perfectly. But my panic was on vacation, at least for now. I've mentalized myself how bad it was to make figures in that small room with so few people. And I only knew their name. No way! We begin to breathe through our abdomen - abdominal breathing. I remembered Junior. But this was not Kum Nye. Then I had the same feeling of levitation. That darned! My body felt out of himself. That's when I realized I was listening a mobile phone ringing. There wasn't a beep but I got me realizing it. I took the time to move my little finger of the right hand to get out of that moment of " levitation ". And I did get back to me. The relaxation ended, as it was supposed to be, calmly. When we returned to ourselves we were more relaxed. One of them was always up yawning and full of sleep. In the end we exchanged impressions and then each one of us went his way. And in my mind I fixed the following message: repeated three times the message to your body when you want it to obey, it's the trick. Results? Of course results you just have to teach it to hear you. It isn't always that easy. Do I can? Sure. But it isn't always. And so every day I remind it what I want it to be. But it is already another kind of words." Ana Reis
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