Hoje vou escrever algumas palavras soltas. Vou soltá-las para que cheguem até vós. São só algumas palavras. Ontem tive um experiência muito engraçada. Como sempre corremos como tolos para lá chegar. Não há um único dia que não seja repleto de stress. Já somos prós em correrias de última hora. Por incrível que pareça conseguimos chegar a tempo. E ainda bem! Fiquei mesmo aliviada quando vi que ainda estavam a iniciar. Olhei para os pés dos outros e era uma Rumba. Para mim era "ouro sobre azul"! Adoro! Bem, começamos com a cucaracha. Tudo soava tão perfeito! O movimento das ancas em 8 e as pernas bem esticadas caracterizam este passo. Havia um passo que nos soava a novo mas ao mesmo tempo tinha algo familiar. "Bachata!" E aí fez-se luz. Sim, era o passo como o que fazíamos na Bachata mas também já o havíamos aprendido na Rumba, embora com menos voltas. Os walks para a frente e para trás seguiram-se. A volta da senhora de seis passos terminava a coreografia com um fox-walk. A Rumba é tão harmoniosa. Os passos, a música, a envolvência, tudo é perfeito. É cheia de sentimento, de romantismo, de ternura, de amor, de paixão. A Rumba consegue ser muito intensa e ao mesmo tempo suave. A dança que se seguiu foi o Paso doble. Fantástico! Mais uma que eu ADORO! Começamos com o famoso bater do pé no chão mais forte e com um promenade. A música que faz-nos recordar as touradas e dá uma força a todos os movimentos que preciso de segurar-me para não furar o chão ou sair a voar da sala! Que intensidade! Terminado o Paso doble ficou o suspense do que viria a seguir. A última dança mas não menos importante foi o Tango. Nem queria acreditar no que os meus ouvidos estavam a ouvir! Ainda incrédula começamos a dançar. Começamos com um promenade seguido de uma base e depois o six-step-turn sem cruzar o pé, como era nosso hábito. E que dificuldade em controlá-lo! Mas consegui. Depois seguiu-se o back-five com perninha recolhe-estica e cabeça giratória. E terminamos com um swivel com bloqueio. E voilá fiquei completamente realizada! O Tango é uma dança também muito intensa. Com sentimentos à flôr da pele e movimentos bem marcados. A cabeça roda com força para marcar um promenade ou um movimento mais intenso e lateral da perna direita. A noite começou e terminou de forma perfeita! E depois fomos beber um chá para aquecer o corpo porque os corações já vinham bem quentinhos! Mas isso já são outras palavras soltas.
Ana Reis
"Today I will write a few single words. I'll drop them to get to you. Just some words. Yesterday I had a very funny experience. As always we ran like fools to get there. There is not a single day that is not filled with this stress. We are already pros in last minute raids. Amazingly we managed to arrive on time. And thank goodness! I was really relieved when I saw that they were still starting. I looked at their feet and I saw that they were dancing Rumba. For me it was "icing on the cake"! I love it! Well, we start with cucaracha. Everything sounded so perfect! The movement of the hips in 8 and taut legs are essential to dance Rumba. There was a step that sounded new for us but at the same time had something familiar. "Bachata!" Yes, it was a step like we did at the Bachata but we had already learned in Rumba, despite with fewer turns. The walks forward and backward followed. The six-step turn of the lady and the fox-walk finished the choreography. Rumba is so harmonious. The steps, the music, the surroundings, everything is perfect. It is full of feeling, of romance, of tenderness, of love, of passion. The Rumba can be very intense and soft at the same time. The dance that followed was the Paso doble. Fantastic! One more that I LOVE! We started with the famous stronger foot hitting the ground and promenade. The music that reminds us bullfighting gives me strength to all the movements and I need to hold myself not to drill into the ground or flying out of the room! What intensity! After the Paso doble was the suspense of what would follow. The last dance but not least was Tango. I could not believe what my ears were hearing! Hears up! Still incredulous but I started dancing. We begin with a promenade followed by a base step and then the six-step-turn without crossing the foot , as was our habit. And how difficult was controlling it! But I did. Then followed the back-five with a leg stretching and a rotating head. And we end with a swivel with lock (bloqueio). And voila I was completely carried out! The Tango is also a very intense dance with feelings at the surface and well-marked moves. The night began and ended perfectly! And then we went to drink some tea to warm the body because the hearts were already nice and warm! But it is already other kind of words." Ana Reis
Ana Reis
"Today I will write a few single words. I'll drop them to get to you. Just some words. Yesterday I had a very funny experience. As always we ran like fools to get there. There is not a single day that is not filled with this stress. We are already pros in last minute raids. Amazingly we managed to arrive on time. And thank goodness! I was really relieved when I saw that they were still starting. I looked at their feet and I saw that they were dancing Rumba. For me it was "icing on the cake"! I love it! Well, we start with cucaracha. Everything sounded so perfect! The movement of the hips in 8 and taut legs are essential to dance Rumba. There was a step that sounded new for us but at the same time had something familiar. "Bachata!" Yes, it was a step like we did at the Bachata but we had already learned in Rumba, despite with fewer turns. The walks forward and backward followed. The six-step turn of the lady and the fox-walk finished the choreography. Rumba is so harmonious. The steps, the music, the surroundings, everything is perfect. It is full of feeling, of romance, of tenderness, of love, of passion. The Rumba can be very intense and soft at the same time. The dance that followed was the Paso doble. Fantastic! One more that I LOVE! We started with the famous stronger foot hitting the ground and promenade. The music that reminds us bullfighting gives me strength to all the movements and I need to hold myself not to drill into the ground or flying out of the room! What intensity! After the Paso doble was the suspense of what would follow. The last dance but not least was Tango. I could not believe what my ears were hearing! Hears up! Still incredulous but I started dancing. We begin with a promenade followed by a base step and then the six-step-turn without crossing the foot , as was our habit. And how difficult was controlling it! But I did. Then followed the back-five with a leg stretching and a rotating head. And we end with a swivel with lock (bloqueio). And voila I was completely carried out! The Tango is also a very intense dance with feelings at the surface and well-marked moves. The night began and ended perfectly! And then we went to drink some tea to warm the body because the hearts were already nice and warm! But it is already other kind of words." Ana Reis
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