Hoje as palavras caem como gotas de chuva. Soltas. No sábado, quando demos por nós estavamos no local onde partilhamos as nossas primeiras conversas mais longas, com mais conteúdo. E ao relembrar todos aqueles bons momentos dei por mim a pensar em quantas histórias não terão passado por aquelas paredes. Quantas lágrimas e gargalhadas não terão sido derramadas naquelas mesas. E as conversas que aquelas cadeiras não devem ter para contar. Os segredos que foram confidenciados no embalo de um copo ou dois, às vezes mais! É engraçado como cada lugar tem uma conotação diferente para cada um de nós. Daquele lugar só guardo boas recordações mas certamente que, para algumas pessoas, é um antro de tristezas. Alguns namoros começaram ali mas, talvez outros tenham terminado. Quantos jantares de grupos de amigos devem ter terminado a subir aqueles degraus! E quantas discussões, de negócios ou não, devem ter sido impugnadas naquele balcão. Quantos sorrisos e abraços não terão sido trocados por amigos, ou mesmo namorados. E quantas vezes não terá servido de guarida para uns quantos embriagados e enregelados pelo tempo rigoroso do inverno oferecendo um café bem quente para quebrar a ebriedade. E as famílias que não terão passado por lá para ouvir aquela música intemporal. E, por vezes, para cantar em serões de karaoke. Cada tábua de madeira daquele chão tem uma pegada, ou várias. São já tantas que já é bem visível o desgaste de cada uma delas. Todas elas conhecem um bocadinho de mim, de nós. E quem sabe um bocadinho de cada um de vocês. Mas isso já são outras palavras soltas.
Ana Reis
"Today the words fall like raindrops. On Saturday we found ourselves in the place where we shared our first conversations. And I found myself thinking about how many stories have gone through those walls. How many tears and smiles will have been shed in those tables. And the conversations that those chairs should have to tell. The secrets that were confessed on the heels of a glass or two, sometimes more! It's funny how every place has a different connotation for each one of us. For me that place only keep good memories but certainly for some people is a den of sorrows. Some dating started there but perhaps others have finished. How many dinners of friends should have finished climbing those stairs! And how many discussions, of business or not, should have been contested at that counter. How many smiles and hugs have been exchanged by friends or even lovers. And how many times have served as a shelter for many drunk and benumbed people by inclement winter offering hot coffee to break the drunkenness. And the families who have been there to hear that timeless music. And sometimes to sing at karaoke evenings. Each plank of wood floor has a footprint, or more. There are now so many that is already visible the wear in each one. All of them know a little bit of me, of us. And maybe a bit of each of you. But it is already other kind of words." Ana Reis
Ana Reis
"Today the words fall like raindrops. On Saturday we found ourselves in the place where we shared our first conversations. And I found myself thinking about how many stories have gone through those walls. How many tears and smiles will have been shed in those tables. And the conversations that those chairs should have to tell. The secrets that were confessed on the heels of a glass or two, sometimes more! It's funny how every place has a different connotation for each one of us. For me that place only keep good memories but certainly for some people is a den of sorrows. Some dating started there but perhaps others have finished. How many dinners of friends should have finished climbing those stairs! And how many discussions, of business or not, should have been contested at that counter. How many smiles and hugs have been exchanged by friends or even lovers. And how many times have served as a shelter for many drunk and benumbed people by inclement winter offering hot coffee to break the drunkenness. And the families who have been there to hear that timeless music. And sometimes to sing at karaoke evenings. Each plank of wood floor has a footprint, or more. There are now so many that is already visible the wear in each one. All of them know a little bit of me, of us. And maybe a bit of each of you. But it is already other kind of words." Ana Reis
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