As palavras soltas de hoje falam sobre balões. Um dia vamos fazer uma corrida de balões. Só para ver como é o céu lá em cima. Só para ver quem chega primeiro ao fim do arco-íris. Só para ver se o vento é capaz de nos levar a bom porto. Jura que este momento durará para sempre. E como é que um momento pode durar para sempre? Como é que um sentimento pode nunca morrer? Como pode uma história ser eterna? Amor. Por vezes, a nossa felicidade é capturada, como se fosse fotografada, de uma forma qualquer, inexplicável, num lugar qualquer. Será assim que se pode tornar o amor eterno!? Fotografando-o?! E os minutos passam a horas. E as horas depressa tornam-se dias. Os dias rapidamente transformam-se em anos. O tempo voa ... Cheguei tarde demais. Talvez alguns momentos não tenham sido tão perfeitos e algumas memórias tão doces, mas é preciso passar por maus momentos para darmos valor aos bons. E, quando achamos que está tudo perdido, e que entre nós não há solução, é aí que ouço o meu coração e percebo quão errados estávamos. Como pode um momento durar para sempre? Como podemos ser felizes para sempre? E pelos becos escuros que nos assombram, o amor é a única luz que nos dará alento e força para continuar. Um dia vamos fazer uma corrida de balões. Só para ver como é o céu lá em cima. Nós e as borboletas. Aquelas borboletas bem coloridas. Essas borboletas cheias de vida. Porque só essas borboletas sabem pintar corações. Porque só essas borboletas carregam leveza e pintam corações num azul tão infinito a perder-se de vista, tal e qual o mar. Talvez nesse dia deixes que elas pintem o teu coração. Bem, mas estas já são outras palavras soltas. Ana Reis
Today my words talk about balloons. One day we'll do a balloon race. Just to see how the sky looks like from up there. Just to see who gets first to the end of the rainbow. Just to see if the wind is able to take us to a safe place. Swear that this moment will last forever. And how can one moment last forever? How can a feeling ever die? How can a story be eternal? Love. Sometimes our happiness is captured as if it was photographed in an inexplicable way at any place. Is this how we can make love be eternal!? All we need is to take a picture of it?! Freeze it on a photograph?! And the minutes become hours. And the hours quickly become days. Days quickly turn into years. Time flies ... I arrived too late. Maybe some moments have not been that perfect and some memories that sweet, but we have to go through bad times so we can give value to the good. And when we think that everything is lost and that there is no solution for us, I start hearing my heart and realize how wrong we were. How can one moment last forever? How can we be happy forever? And through the dark alleys that haunt us, love is the only light that will give us breath and strength to continue. One day we'll do a balloon race. Just to see how the sky looks like from up there. We and the butterflies. Those colorful butterflies. Those butterflies full of life. Because only those butterflies know how to paint hearts. Because only those butterflies carry lightness and paint hearts in an infinite blue just like the sea. Maybe you let them paint your heart on that day. Well, but these are already another kind of words. Ana Reis
Today my words talk about balloons. One day we'll do a balloon race. Just to see how the sky looks like from up there. Just to see who gets first to the end of the rainbow. Just to see if the wind is able to take us to a safe place. Swear that this moment will last forever. And how can one moment last forever? How can a feeling ever die? How can a story be eternal? Love. Sometimes our happiness is captured as if it was photographed in an inexplicable way at any place. Is this how we can make love be eternal!? All we need is to take a picture of it?! Freeze it on a photograph?! And the minutes become hours. And the hours quickly become days. Days quickly turn into years. Time flies ... I arrived too late. Maybe some moments have not been that perfect and some memories that sweet, but we have to go through bad times so we can give value to the good. And when we think that everything is lost and that there is no solution for us, I start hearing my heart and realize how wrong we were. How can one moment last forever? How can we be happy forever? And through the dark alleys that haunt us, love is the only light that will give us breath and strength to continue. One day we'll do a balloon race. Just to see how the sky looks like from up there. We and the butterflies. Those colorful butterflies. Those butterflies full of life. Because only those butterflies know how to paint hearts. Because only those butterflies carry lightness and paint hearts in an infinite blue just like the sea. Maybe you let them paint your heart on that day. Well, but these are already another kind of words. Ana Reis
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