As palavras soltas de hoje falam sobre mitologia. Mitos e ditos. Coisas que se dizem e que foram ditas. Coisas que se escrevem e que estão escritas. Não fosse Pandora verdade e o mundo jamais saberia o que é a maldade. Sim, Pandora existiu. Criada pelos deuses do Olimpo sob as ordens de Zeus. Foi uma punição para os Homens por quererem roubar o segredo do fogo aos deuses. Por estes quererem ser mais do que o próprio Zeus. Pandora era uma bela donzela. Trazia no seu regaço uma caixa com presentes que todos os Deuses lhe foram dando. O dom da beleza, da palavra, da música, ... Entre presentes bons, Pandora foi recebendo, igualmente, presentes envenenados. Não fosse Pandora verdade e todos nós desconheceríamos o poder da maldade. Pandora carregava a sua caixa fechada. Um dia resolveu abri-la. Foi nesse dia que a humanidade passou a conhecer, mais do que bondades, maldades. Mentira, doenças, velhice, inveja, guerra e morte. Não fosse Pandora verdade e o mundo jamais saberia o que é a maldade. Os presentes não se contêm. Presente que é presente salta da caixa onde esteve preso para se fazer ver. Os presentes de Pandora saltaram com tamanha rapidez da caixa que assustaram-na, fazendo-a fechar a caixa com uma rapidez tal que o último presente acabou por ficar preso no seu interior: a esperança. E ainda dizem que a mitologia não tem bases que a sustentem. Não fosse a caixa de Pandora e não saberíamos o que é a inveja, a mentira, a guerra, a velhice e a morte. Não fosse Pandora verdade e não saberíamos o que é o amor. Pandora carregava bem e mal na sua caixa. Mostrou à humanidade tudo. As pessoas fazem opções. No entanto, sabemos que, na sua caixa, Pandora ainda guarda a Esperança. Bem, mas isto já são outras palavras soltas. Ana Reis
Today my words talk about mythology. Myths and stories. Things that are and were said. Things that are and were written. If Pandora weren't a true story, the world would never know what evil is. So Pandora did exist. Created by the Olympian gods under Zeus orders. It was a punishment for Men from wanting to steal the secret of fire from the gods. Because they want to be more than Zeus. Pandora was a beautiful maiden. She carried in her lap a box of gifts that all Gods had given to her. The gift of beauty, word, music, ... Among good gifts, Pandora had also receiving poisoned gifts. It wasn't Pandora's real and we would never know the real power of evil. Pandora carried her box closed. One day she decided to open it. And his day was the day that humanity started to know, more than goodness, evil things. Lie, illness, old age, envy, war and death. If Pandora weren'tt true the world would never know what evil is. Gifts aren't things that we can hold inside of a box. Gift that is gift jumps from the box where it had been stuck so everyone can see it. Pandora's gifts jumped so fast from the box that they frightened her, making her close the box so fast that the last gift got stuck inside it: Hope. And everyone still say that mythology has no basis to support it. But if Pandora's box didn't exit we would never know what envy, lies, war, old age, and death are. But neither beauty, music, words, ... If Pandora weren't a true story we would never know what love is. Pandora carried good and evil inside her box. She showed everything to mankind. People make choices. But we will always know that Pandora still carrying in her box HOPE. Well, but this is already another kind of words. Ana Reis
Today my words talk about mythology. Myths and stories. Things that are and were said. Things that are and were written. If Pandora weren't a true story, the world would never know what evil is. So Pandora did exist. Created by the Olympian gods under Zeus orders. It was a punishment for Men from wanting to steal the secret of fire from the gods. Because they want to be more than Zeus. Pandora was a beautiful maiden. She carried in her lap a box of gifts that all Gods had given to her. The gift of beauty, word, music, ... Among good gifts, Pandora had also receiving poisoned gifts. It wasn't Pandora's real and we would never know the real power of evil. Pandora carried her box closed. One day she decided to open it. And his day was the day that humanity started to know, more than goodness, evil things. Lie, illness, old age, envy, war and death. If Pandora weren'tt true the world would never know what evil is. Gifts aren't things that we can hold inside of a box. Gift that is gift jumps from the box where it had been stuck so everyone can see it. Pandora's gifts jumped so fast from the box that they frightened her, making her close the box so fast that the last gift got stuck inside it: Hope. And everyone still say that mythology has no basis to support it. But if Pandora's box didn't exit we would never know what envy, lies, war, old age, and death are. But neither beauty, music, words, ... If Pandora weren't a true story we would never know what love is. Pandora carried good and evil inside her box. She showed everything to mankind. People make choices. But we will always know that Pandora still carrying in her box HOPE. Well, but this is already another kind of words. Ana Reis
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