As palavras soltas de hoje estão mestres na culinária. E vou fazer uma sobremesa com alguns ingredientes. Vou fazer uma sobremesa com ingredientes bem diferentes. Vou fazer uma sobremesa com ingredientes que fui descobrindo por todo o mundo e pelo mundo todo. A lista de ingredientes é muito simples. Nada que não se consiga encontrar numa mercearia mais próxima. Para começar inspirem profundamente uma boa dose de boa disposição. Depois expirem todas as más energias que ainda existam no vosso interior. Depois podem começar a preparar a sobremesa. Peguem em meia laranja de alegria e juntem 1 litro de leite de gargalhadas. Batam muito bem durante 1 minuto de felicidade. Reservem, batendo de vez em quando a mistura para não baixar o nível de felicidade. Numa outra taça misturem 4 abacaxis de poemas de amor, com 2 mangas de estrofes de paixão e 1 pau de canela de pôr-do-sol. Batam durante o tempo necessário até que comece a formar bolhas de aurora boreal. Juntem a mistura reservada muito lentamente. Levem ao frigorífico durante 3horas de boa disposição. E, antes de servir, polvilhem com um pouco de canela de carinho. Sirvam em taças com pequenas porções desta sobremesa maravilhosa a todos os vossos convidados e, depois, é só esperar pelos sorrisos e gargalhadas que eles vão soltar. Mas isto já são outras palavras soltas. Ana Reis
Today my words are masters in cooking. And I will make a dessert with some ingredients. I will make a dessert with very different ingredients. I will make a dessert with ingredients that I discovered throughout the world. The list of ingredients is very simple. There's nothing that you can't found in the nearest grocery store. To begin inspire deeply a healthy dose of good humor. After that expire all the bad energies that already exist inside of you. Then you can start preparing the dessert. Take a half orange of joy and join 1 liter of milk of laugh. Beat well for 1 minute of happiness. Reserve, occasionally beat just a little the mixture so the level of happiness don't get too low. In another bowl mix 4 pineapples of love poems, with two mangos of stanzas of passion and 1 cinnamon stick of sunsets. Beat as long as necessary until it begins to form aurora borealis' bubbles. Gather the reserved mixture very slowly. Take into the refrigerator for 3 hours of good mood. And, before serving, sprinkle with a little cinnamon of affection. Serve in bowls in small portions of this wonderful dessert for all your guests, and then just wait for the smiles and laughs that they will do. But these are already another kind of words. Ana Reis
Today my words are masters in cooking. And I will make a dessert with some ingredients. I will make a dessert with very different ingredients. I will make a dessert with ingredients that I discovered throughout the world. The list of ingredients is very simple. There's nothing that you can't found in the nearest grocery store. To begin inspire deeply a healthy dose of good humor. After that expire all the bad energies that already exist inside of you. Then you can start preparing the dessert. Take a half orange of joy and join 1 liter of milk of laugh. Beat well for 1 minute of happiness. Reserve, occasionally beat just a little the mixture so the level of happiness don't get too low. In another bowl mix 4 pineapples of love poems, with two mangos of stanzas of passion and 1 cinnamon stick of sunsets. Beat as long as necessary until it begins to form aurora borealis' bubbles. Gather the reserved mixture very slowly. Take into the refrigerator for 3 hours of good mood. And, before serving, sprinkle with a little cinnamon of affection. Serve in bowls in small portions of this wonderful dessert for all your guests, and then just wait for the smiles and laughs that they will do. But these are already another kind of words. Ana Reis
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