As palavras soltas de hoje falam sobre o Dia das Bruxas. Portugal não é um país que viva muito o espírito do Dia das Bruxas mas tem vindo a crescer com o aumento crescente de "Americanismos" por terras lusas. Para mim é um dia como outro qualquer. Acho que se deve ao facto de não ter vivido uma infância em que este dia fosse relevante. A relevância era de 0 a -100. Quando era miúda nem tinha conhecimento da sua existência. Quando isto do Dia das Bruxas começou a ser vivido eu lembro-me de festeja-lo com a minha melhor amiga a ver filmes de Terror. Uma vez alugámos um filme num vídeo clube e eu recordo-me de desligarmos todas as luzes para o vermos. Como éramos bem parecidas bastaram uns minutos de filme para olharmos uma para a outra e dizermos: "Talvez seja melhor ver com a luz acesa!". Lá fui eu acender a luz com medo que de uma das paredes da minha sala saísse algum tipo de alucinação. Porque só podiam sair alucinações! Finalmente toquei no interruptor e a luz acendeu. A sala continuava exactamente igual ao que era antes de apagar a luz, mas o filme, esse foi muito menos assustador a partir daí. Acho que perdeu toda a piada. Por momentos pensamos que poderíamos voltar a apagar a luz para voltar a ser um pouco mais assustador, mas não foi necessário. Parece que ligaram o modo assustador e, de repente, todo o filme fazia com que saltássemos do sofá. Bem, não existiam mais luzes para acender. Portanto achamos que o melhor seria, ou cobrir a cabeça com a manta e não ver filme nenhum e só ouvir, ou desligar a televisão e irmos tentar adormecer. Optámos pela segunda. Mas não foi nada fácil adormecer nessa noite! Bem, mas estas já são outras palavras soltas. Ana Reis
Today my words talk about Halloween. Portugal isn't a country that lives the spirit of Halloween as it should be lived but it has been growing with the increasing of all the Amerian things that we have adopted. For me it's a day like any other. I think it's due to the fact that I didn't have a childhood in which this day was relevant. The relevance was from 0 to -100. When I was little I didn't know anything about it. When Halloween started to be lived by me I remember that I used to celebrate it with my best friend watching Terror movies. And once we rented a movie in a video club and I remember to turn off all the lights to see it. Because we were very similar, it took only a few minutes of the movie to look at each other and say: "Maybe it's better to watch it with the light on!" There I went to light the light fearing that some kind of hallucination could come out of the walls. Because from walls could only come out hallucinations! Finally I touched the switch and the light turned on. The room was exactly as it was before I turned off the light, but the movie was much less scary from there. I think that it had lost the whole interest. Well, we thought we could turn again the light off just to became a little scarier, but it wasn't necessary. It seems they turned on the scary mode on the movie and suddenly the whole movie made us jump off the couch. Well, there were no more lights to turn on. So we thought that it would be better, either cover our head with the blanket and not watch any more the movie (just listen), or turn off the television and try to fall asleep. We opted for the second. But it wasn't easy to fall asleep that night! Well, but these are already another kind of words. Ana Reis
Today my words talk about Halloween. Portugal isn't a country that lives the spirit of Halloween as it should be lived but it has been growing with the increasing of all the Amerian things that we have adopted. For me it's a day like any other. I think it's due to the fact that I didn't have a childhood in which this day was relevant. The relevance was from 0 to -100. When I was little I didn't know anything about it. When Halloween started to be lived by me I remember that I used to celebrate it with my best friend watching Terror movies. And once we rented a movie in a video club and I remember to turn off all the lights to see it. Because we were very similar, it took only a few minutes of the movie to look at each other and say: "Maybe it's better to watch it with the light on!" There I went to light the light fearing that some kind of hallucination could come out of the walls. Because from walls could only come out hallucinations! Finally I touched the switch and the light turned on. The room was exactly as it was before I turned off the light, but the movie was much less scary from there. I think that it had lost the whole interest. Well, we thought we could turn again the light off just to became a little scarier, but it wasn't necessary. It seems they turned on the scary mode on the movie and suddenly the whole movie made us jump off the couch. Well, there were no more lights to turn on. So we thought that it would be better, either cover our head with the blanket and not watch any more the movie (just listen), or turn off the television and try to fall asleep. We opted for the second. But it wasn't easy to fall asleep that night! Well, but these are already another kind of words. Ana Reis
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