- 1979 - Philip Johnson - EUA - Glass House;
- 1980 - Luis Barragán - México - Torres de Satélite;
- 1981 - Sir James Stirling - Reino Unido - Biblioteca Histórica Seeley;
- 1982 - Kevin Roche - Irlanda - Knights of Columbus Building;
- 1983 - Ieoh Ming Pei - China/EUA - NAtional Gallery of Art;
- 1984 - Richard Meier - EUA - High Museum of Art;
- 1985 - Hans Hollein - Áustria - Musseu Abteiberg;
- 1986 - Gottfried Böhm - Alemanha Ocidental - Igreja Youth Center Library;
- 1987 - Kenzo Tange - Japão - Catedral de Santa Marias em Tóquio;
- - Gordon Bunshaft - EUA - Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library;
- 1988 - Oscar Niemeyer - Brasil - Catedral de Brasilia;
- 1989 - Frank Gehrv - Canada/EUA - Walt Disney Concert Hall;
- 1990 - Aldo Rossi - Itália - Museu Bonnefanten;
- 1991 - Robert Venturi - EUA - National Gallery (Londres);
- 1992 - Álvaro Siza Vieira - Portugal - Pavilhão de Portugal na Expo 98;
- 1993 - Fumihiko Maki - Japão - Tokyo Metropolitan Gymnasium;
- 1994 - Christian de Portzamparc - França - Embaixada Francesa em Berlim;
- 1995 - Tadao Ando - Japão - Centro de Congressos de Nagaragawa;
- 1996 - Rafael Moneo - Espanha - Kursaal Palace;
- 1997 - Sverre Fehn - Noruega - Museu Glacial Noruguês;
- 1998 - Renzo Piano - Itália - Kansai International Airport;
- 1999 - Norman Foster - Reino Unido - Ponte do Milénio;
- 2000 - Rem Koolhaas - Países Baixos - Casa da Música no Porto;
- 2001 - Herzog & de Meuron - Suíça - Tate Modern;
- 2002 - Glenn Murcutt - Austrália - Berowra Waters;
- 2003 - Jorn Utzon - Dinamarca - Sydney Opera House;
- 2004 - Zaha Hadid - Iraque/EUA - Bridge Pavilion;
- 2005 - Thom Mayne - EUA - Edifício Federal de San Francisco;
- 2006 - Paulo Mendes da Rocha - Brasil - Capela de São Pedro Apóstolo, Campos dos Jordão, São Paulo;
- 2007 - Richard Rogers - Reino Unido - Lloyd's building;
- 2008 - Jean Nouvel - França - Torre Agbar;
- 2009 - Peter Zumthor - Suíça - Therme Vals;
- 2010 - Kazuyo Sejima - Japão - 21st Century Museum os Contemporary Art em Kanazawa;
- Ryüe Nishizawa (SANAA);
- 2011 - Eduardo Souto de Moura - Portugal - Estádio Municipal de Braga em Braga;
- 2012 - Wang Shu - China - Museu de Ningbo em Ningbo;
- 2013 - Toyo Ito - Japão - Mediateca de Sendai em Sendai;
- 2014 - Shigeru Ban - Japão - Igreja Católica de Takatori em Kobe.
Ana Reis
1979 - Philip Johnson - USA - Glass House ;
1980 - Luis Barragán - Mexico - Satellite Towers ;
1981 - Sir James Stirling - UK - Seeley Historical Library ;
1982 - Kevin Roche - Ireland - Knights of Columbus Building;
1983 - Ieoh Ming Pei - China / USA - National Gallery of Art ;
1984 - Richard Meier - USA - High Museum of Art ;
1985 - Hans Hollein - Austria - Musseu Abteiberg ;
1986 - Gottfried Böhm - West Germany - Church Youth Center Library;
1987 - Kenzo Tange - Japan - St Marys Cathedral in Tokyo ;
- Gordon Bunshaft - USA - Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library ;
1988 - Oscar Niemeyer - Brazil - Cathedral of Brasilia ;
1989 - Frank Gehrv - Canada / USA - Walt Disney Concert Hall ;
1990 - Aldo Rossi - Italy - Bonnefanten Museum ;
1991 - Robert Venturi - USA - National Gallery ( London) ;
1992 - Álvaro Siza Vieira - Portugal - Portugal Pavilion at Expo 98 ;
1993 - Fumihiko Maki - Japan - Tokyo Metropolitan Gymnasium ;
1994 - Christian dePortzamparc - France - French Embassy in Berlin ;
1995 - Tadao Ando - Japan - Center Nagaragawa Congress ;
1996 - Rafael Moneo - Spain - Kursaal Palace ;
1997 - Sverre Fehn - Norway - Glacial Noruguês Museum ;
1998 - Renzo Piano - Italy - Kansai International Airport ;
1999 - Norman Foster - UK - Millennium Bridge ;
2000 - Rem Koolhaas - Netherlands - Casa da Musica in Oporto;
2001 - Herzog & de Meuron - Switzerland - Tate Modern ;
2002 - Glenn Murcutt - Australia - Berowra Waters ;
2003 - Jorn Utzon - Denmark - Sydney Opera House ;
2004 - Zaha Hadid - Iraq / USA - Bridge Pavilion ;
2005 - Thom Mayne - USA - Federal Building in San Francisco ;
2006 - Paulo Mendes da Rocha - Brazil - Chapel of St. Peter the Apostle , Campos dos Jordao, Sao Paulo ;
2007 - Richard Rogers - UK - Lloyd's building ;
2008 - Jean Nouvel - France - Torre Agbar ;
2009 - Peter Zumthor - Switzerland - Therme Vals ;
2010 - Kazuyo Sejima - Japan - 21st Century Museum 's Contemporary Art in Kanazawa ;
Ryue Nishizawa ( SANAA ) ;
2011 - Eduardo Souto de Moura - Portugal - Braga Stadium in Braga ;
2012 - Wang Shu - China - Ningbo in Ningbo Museum ;
2013 - Toyo Ito - Japan - Sendai Mediatheque in Sendai ;
2014 - Shigeru Ban - Japan - Takatori Catholic Church in Kobe .The Chinese Shigeru Ban liked this award, ane he is feeling very honored, but he will continue with his professional activity. He feels encouraged to continue the work that he has been done. And he is known because of building shelters for victims of natural disasters or violence and because of the use of structures in cardboard. The award was announced by Tom Pritzker, chairman of The Hyatt Foundation in Chicago. This association intended with this award, to highlight the humanitarian work of a professional, because it's a rare case in the architecture. This architect, in addition to humanitarian work, has traveling for over twenty years between scenarios of natural and / or human disasters, and has interacting with citizen volunteers and / or students , and has designing and building recycable shelters with low cost, restoring life to the victims. "Innovation is not limited by the type of construction as well as compassion is not limited by a budget." Ban has worked hard at devastated areas by the earthquake and tsunami of March 2011 in the northeast of Japan in New Zealand where he built a cathedral on paper, Christchurch. And in France he built the Centre Georges Pompidou in Metz. In 1995 he founded the non-governmental organization VAN ( Voluntary Architects Network ). And he is traveling around the world on its behalf. The prize will be delivered in Amsterdam on 13th June. And you tell me if it is not noticeable! And in the history of this award there are two Portuguese architects. We really have to learn to value what is ours and our capabilities beyond borders! Congratulations Shigeru Ban! Keep up the amazing work you've done! Thank you for helping people! But these are already another kind of words ."Ana Reis
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