Hoje as palavras soltas estão mais vocacionadas para a área veterinária do que para os assuntos que normalmente costumo abordar. Ou, então, não. No final já poderão concluir se falei exactamente do mesmo tema ou se consegui mudar o tema das palavras soltas. No final de contas o tema acaba por ser sempre o mesmo. O tema são os meus pensamentos. Basicamente só falo sobre eles e transmito-os neste blogue para que possam surtir algum tipo de efeito em quem os lê. Bem, hoje, para variar, não me apetecia nada abandonar o aconchego do meu lar e das minhas coisas. Que saudades tenho sempre do meu espaço! Estou a 100 metros e já estou com saudades do cheiro das minhas coisas, da cor, do próprio ar que dentro daquelas quatro paredes consigo respirar. Em suma, tenho saudades do meu lar! Eu sei que isto são efeitos do meu estado emocional mas só quando estiver efectivamente bem é que vou descobrir se isso é mesmo verdade. O sol estava mesmo lindo hoje! Brilhava como nunca o havia visto brilhar nos últimos meses. A chuva parecia ter resolvido vir para ficar. Que chatice! Bem podia ter arranjado outro local para se fixar, não acham?! Mas já temos tido uns dias de sol compensadores de todos os outros dias chuvosos. Que maravilha! Foi tão bom poder vê-lo a iluminar e a aquecer este dia! A minha mãe quis tirar-me do ninho e conseguiu a muito custo e após eu resmungar baixinho umas mil e quinhentas vezes sem conta possível. Já me estava a irritar a mim própria! Eu tenho uma capacidade impressionante de me irritar! Sou terrível! Nem queiram saber! E não saberão! A não ser que me conheçam tanto como eu me conheço. Aí já acredito que saibam como eu consigo ser irritante. Mas, calma, irrito-me mais a mim do que aos outros. Implodo! E a minha implosão de hoje deu frutos. Saímos, então, para ir caminhar e fazer uma visita a um local diferente. E descobri que devia lá ir mais vezes. O caminho pelo meio da natureza soube bem mas fui o caminho todo com o stress de poder aparecer uma cobra outro bicho qualquer. Mas foi um medo que surgiu com fundamento. Vou explicar-vos melhor. Eu ia a caminhar pelo meio da natureza quando, de repente, ouvi uns barulhos nas árvores mais abaixo, junto ao rio. E os barulhos perseguiram-nos ainda uns metros ao longo do caminho. Até podem ter sido só uns centímetros mas a mim pareceram-me metros! E eu pensei logo: "Só pode ser uma cobra! Ou, então, um rato!". Apesar de me ter lembrado do rato, a ideia da cobra convenceu-me muito mais. E, assim, continuei, a medo, o meu caminho. Chegamos a um portão na vedação e entrámos. Estavam à nossa espera. Por trás de uma porta de madeira lá estavam eles. Estavam a comer. Para não os incomodar aninhei-me para os ver melhor mas sem me mexer muito. E os curiosos vieram logo cheirar-me. Podia ser algum tipo de erva diferente! Só se fosse daninha! Ou, então, uma silva com picos bem afiados, porque, pouco tempo depois, quando tentei fazer festas num deles, começou uma grande confusão! Eram uns a correr para a mãe, outros a correr para trás de um bidão que lá tinha, outros até tentaram trepar a madeira das paredes! Mas lá me conseguiram dar um para eu pegar no meu colo. Era tão FOFINHO! Tinha os olhos bem vermelhos e o pelo branquinho. E, o mais engraçado, é que eu descobri que aquele que me calhou era o mais pequenino deles todos! Era mesmo bonito! No início ele não gostou muito do meu colo e até arranhou-me um bocadinho. Mas depois acomodou-se bem e ficou bem sossegado sempre a mexer o seu nariz pequenino. Lembrei-me da primeira vez que peguei na minha Luffy ao colo! Era também muito pequena! Depois soltei-o. E eles recomeçaram a correria! Até que fui visitar o galinheiro e deixei-os sossegados. No galinheiro o galo era enorme! Nunca vi um galo daquele porte! Tinha o corpo coberto de penas pretas e o pescoço com penas douradas. Era mesmo bonito! Mas não lhe dei demasiada confiança e, muito menos, tentei pegar nele ao colo. Só entrei lá para ver uns coelhos ainda mais pequenos que os anteriores que estavam junto da mãe muito sossegados. Eram mesmo FOFINHOS! Depois de fazer algumas festas neles lembrei-me que estava num galinheiro. Fechei a porta da casinha dos coelhos e saí logo de imediato, não fosse algum daqueles bichos com bico lembrar-se de me picar para saber a que sabem as minhas pernas. Sabem muito mal de certezinha! E quando olhei para a porta, ainda aberta, dos coelhos vi um a espreitar com um ar tão FOFINHO! E não resisti! Tive que ir lá mais uma vez e juro que desta vez perdi-me. Até dei por mim a falar com eles! Mas podem ficar descansados que nenhum me respondeu. Até era engraçado! Na hora da despedida só e apetecia ficar mais um pouco com eles. Não era que tivesse tido uma recepção muito calorosa por parte deles mas fizeram com que tivesse valido a pena ter saído de casa.
Mas isso já são outras palavras soltas.
Ana Reis
"Today these words tend to be more at the veterinary field than the subjects that I usually tend to write. Or not. At the end you may conclude that I've wrote about exactly the same theme as always or that I've been capable to change the theme of these words. In the end the issue turns out to always be the same. The theme are my thoughts. Basically I just talk about them and broadcast them in this blog that might do some kind of effect on those who read them. Well, today, for once, I didn't feel like I want to leave the comfort of my home and my stuff. I always miss my space! I am 100 meters far from home and I already miss the smell of my stuff , the color, the air tha, within those four walls, I can breathe. In short, I miss my home! I know this is effects from my emotional problems but only when I am actually well I will find out if this is really true. The sun was really beautiful today! Shone as I never seen it shine in recent months. The rain seemed to have come to stay. What a hell! Well, it could have found another place to settle down, don't you think!? But we have had a few days of sunshine compensating all other rainy days. What a marvel! It was so good to see it! My mother wanted to take me out of the nest (my nest) and she succeeded with great difficulty and after I softly mutter a thousand and five hundred times without any possible regard. I was annoying me to myself! I have an impressive ability to annoy me! I'm terrible! You cetainly don't want to know me! And you don't! Great to you! Unless you know me as much as I know myself. In that case I believe you know how I can be annoying. But calm down, I irritated me more than others. Implosion! And my implosion today have gave some fruits. After all we went to walk and to visit a different place. And I discovered that I should go there more often. The path through the nature was great! I felt bad all the way because of the stress of thinking that a snake can appear or any other animal. I will explain my fear to you better. I was walking down in the middle of nature when suddenly, I heard some noises in the trees below us, along the river. And the noises chased us a few yards along the way. It may have been only a few inches but to me it seemed feet! And I just thought : " It can only be a snake! Or a mouse! " . Despite having reminded me of the mouse, the idea of the snake convinced me more. And so I continued my way with my fear. We reached a gate in the fence and we entered. They were waiting for us. There they were behind a wooden door. They were eating. I cradled me to see much better but withoud causing any riot. And they were so curious that came to smell me. I could be a different kind of weed! I could only be weed! Or, any kind of weed that they don't really like, because shortly after, when I tried to caress them, they started to make a big mess! They were running next to the mother, others were running to hide behind something, another tried to climb the walls... But someone was able to give me one so I can put him on my lap. He was so cute! He had bright red eyes and white hair. And the funny thing is that I discovered that the one that I was holding was the tiniest of them all! He was really cute! At first he didn't like my lap and even scratched me a little bit. But then he settled down and he was always quiet and moving his little nose. I remembered the first time I took my Luffy 's on my lap! She was also very small! Then I let him go. And they started to run again! What a mess! So I visited the pen and left them quiet. The rooster at the pen was huge! I have never seen a cock of that size! His body was covered with black feathers and his neck with golden feathers. He was really cute! But I didn't gave him too much trust, much less, tried to catch him to hold him in my arms. Never! I just went there to see some rabbits even smaller than the previous ones that were very quiet with their mother. They were really cute! After doing some caress to them I sarted remembering me that I was in a pen. I closed the door of the rabbits and left straight away from the pen. Or it was not any of those animals with spout remember to poke me so they could know what's the taste of my legs. My legs centainly tastes bad! And when I looked at the door of the others rabbits, that it was still open, I saw one looking out so cuddly! And I couldn't resist! I had to go there again and I swear this time I got lost... Until I found myself talking to them! But you can rest assured that no one answered me. And how funny that could be! When I said goodbye to them I felt like I wanted to stay a little longer with them. They hadn't given me a warm welcome but in the end they had made my walk worthwhile.But it is already another kind of words.
Ana Reis
Mas isso já são outras palavras soltas.
Ana Reis
"Today these words tend to be more at the veterinary field than the subjects that I usually tend to write. Or not. At the end you may conclude that I've wrote about exactly the same theme as always or that I've been capable to change the theme of these words. In the end the issue turns out to always be the same. The theme are my thoughts. Basically I just talk about them and broadcast them in this blog that might do some kind of effect on those who read them. Well, today, for once, I didn't feel like I want to leave the comfort of my home and my stuff. I always miss my space! I am 100 meters far from home and I already miss the smell of my stuff , the color, the air tha, within those four walls, I can breathe. In short, I miss my home! I know this is effects from my emotional problems but only when I am actually well I will find out if this is really true. The sun was really beautiful today! Shone as I never seen it shine in recent months. The rain seemed to have come to stay. What a hell! Well, it could have found another place to settle down, don't you think!? But we have had a few days of sunshine compensating all other rainy days. What a marvel! It was so good to see it! My mother wanted to take me out of the nest (my nest) and she succeeded with great difficulty and after I softly mutter a thousand and five hundred times without any possible regard. I was annoying me to myself! I have an impressive ability to annoy me! I'm terrible! You cetainly don't want to know me! And you don't! Great to you! Unless you know me as much as I know myself. In that case I believe you know how I can be annoying. But calm down, I irritated me more than others. Implosion! And my implosion today have gave some fruits. After all we went to walk and to visit a different place. And I discovered that I should go there more often. The path through the nature was great! I felt bad all the way because of the stress of thinking that a snake can appear or any other animal. I will explain my fear to you better. I was walking down in the middle of nature when suddenly, I heard some noises in the trees below us, along the river. And the noises chased us a few yards along the way. It may have been only a few inches but to me it seemed feet! And I just thought : " It can only be a snake! Or a mouse! " . Despite having reminded me of the mouse, the idea of the snake convinced me more. And so I continued my way with my fear. We reached a gate in the fence and we entered. They were waiting for us. There they were behind a wooden door. They were eating. I cradled me to see much better but withoud causing any riot. And they were so curious that came to smell me. I could be a different kind of weed! I could only be weed! Or, any kind of weed that they don't really like, because shortly after, when I tried to caress them, they started to make a big mess! They were running next to the mother, others were running to hide behind something, another tried to climb the walls... But someone was able to give me one so I can put him on my lap. He was so cute! He had bright red eyes and white hair. And the funny thing is that I discovered that the one that I was holding was the tiniest of them all! He was really cute! At first he didn't like my lap and even scratched me a little bit. But then he settled down and he was always quiet and moving his little nose. I remembered the first time I took my Luffy 's on my lap! She was also very small! Then I let him go. And they started to run again! What a mess! So I visited the pen and left them quiet. The rooster at the pen was huge! I have never seen a cock of that size! His body was covered with black feathers and his neck with golden feathers. He was really cute! But I didn't gave him too much trust, much less, tried to catch him to hold him in my arms. Never! I just went there to see some rabbits even smaller than the previous ones that were very quiet with their mother. They were really cute! After doing some caress to them I sarted remembering me that I was in a pen. I closed the door of the rabbits and left straight away from the pen. Or it was not any of those animals with spout remember to poke me so they could know what's the taste of my legs. My legs centainly tastes bad! And when I looked at the door of the others rabbits, that it was still open, I saw one looking out so cuddly! And I couldn't resist! I had to go there again and I swear this time I got lost... Until I found myself talking to them! But you can rest assured that no one answered me. And how funny that could be! When I said goodbye to them I felt like I wanted to stay a little longer with them. They hadn't given me a warm welcome but in the end they had made my walk worthwhile.But it is already another kind of words.
Ana Reis
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