As palavras soltas de hoje falam sobre o que é o amor. Hoje perguntaram-me se eu sei o que é o amor. E eu fiquei com a pergunta na cabeça. Não fiquei a pensar na resposta. Fiquei a pensar na pergunta. E, porém, sem pensar em respostas eu soube o que é o amor. O amor pode ser abrir os olhos de manhã, ao acordar, e sorrir. O amor pode ser passar um jantar a falar com as amigas sobre coisas de raparigas. Chegar a casa e abraçar os meus pais. Ver-te dormir. Jogar jogos de tabuleiro com a família. Partilhar gargalhadas. Distribuir abraços. Atirar beijos. Acenar a um grupo de crianças que segue na carrinha da escola. O amor pode ser tanta coisa. O amor pode ser dizer "Bom dia" a uma pessoa desconhecida na rua. Partilhar uma fatia de bolo contigo. Ouvir crianças a cantar canções de natal todo o ano. Dizer uma piada seca e rir-me sozinha. Sorrir para alguém e receber um sorriso de volta. Ver um filme bem lamechas no Inverno junto a uma lareira com uma caneca de chocolate quente como companhia. Pensar em ti. Passear pela rua cheia de gente e ter vontade de abraçar toda a gente. O amor poder ser abraçar o dia como se fosse o último da minha vida. Ou ficar sentada no sofá a falar contigo horas e horas. E no meio de tanto amor perdi-me. Perdi-me no seu encanto, sabor e odor. O amor faz bater o coração com mais força do que a normal. O amor faz-nos traçar caminhos e sentar numa pedra no meio do caminho e continuar a caminhar como se esta nunca tivesse estado lá. O amor pode fazer-nos definhar se nos aventuramos pelos caminhos do amor sem amar. O amor também pode nascer, viver e morrer. E renascer. O amor pode ser vida. Pode ser o sorriso de uma criança. O amor pode ser cair de um precipício de braços abertos sem medo de morrer. Pode ser entrar numa floresta densa sem saber o que podemos encontrar lá. O amor pode ser dor, lágrimas, desespero. Mas o amor pode ser sorrisos, felicidade e mais felicidade. Bem, mas estas já são outras palavras soltas. Ana Reis
Today my words talk about the meaning of love. Today I was asked if I know what love is. And I kept the question in my head. I didn't think about the answer. I kept thinking about the question. And without searching for answers I knew what love is. Love can be when you open your eyes in the morning and smile. Love can be spending a dinner talking to friends about girls things. Getting home and hug my parents. Watching you sleep. Playing board games with family. Sharing laughs. Distributing hugs. Blowing kisses. Saying I to a group of children that travels in the school bus. Love can be so much more. Love can be saying "Good morning" to an unknown person on the street. Sharing a slice of cake with you. Listening to children singing Christmas carols all the year. Saying a not funny joke and laugh alone. Smiling at someone and get a smile back. Watching a romance movie in the winter next to a fireplace with a mug of hot chocolate as a company. Thinking of you. Walking on a crowded street and wanting to hug everyone. Love could be embracing the day as if it was the last of my whole life. Or siting on the couch and talk with you for hours. And I've lost myself between so much love. I lost myself in its charm, taste and smell. Love makes the heart beat harder than normal. Love makes us tread paths and sit on a rock in the middle and continue walking as if it has never been there. Love can make us languish if we venture along the paths of love without love. Love can also born, live and die. And reborn. Love can be life. It could be the smile of a child. Love may be falling off a cliff with open arms with no fear of dying. It may be entering a dense forest without knowing what we can find there. Love can be pain, tears, hopelessness. But love can be smiles, happiness and more happiness. Well, but these are already another kind of words. Ana Reis
Today my words talk about the meaning of love. Today I was asked if I know what love is. And I kept the question in my head. I didn't think about the answer. I kept thinking about the question. And without searching for answers I knew what love is. Love can be when you open your eyes in the morning and smile. Love can be spending a dinner talking to friends about girls things. Getting home and hug my parents. Watching you sleep. Playing board games with family. Sharing laughs. Distributing hugs. Blowing kisses. Saying I to a group of children that travels in the school bus. Love can be so much more. Love can be saying "Good morning" to an unknown person on the street. Sharing a slice of cake with you. Listening to children singing Christmas carols all the year. Saying a not funny joke and laugh alone. Smiling at someone and get a smile back. Watching a romance movie in the winter next to a fireplace with a mug of hot chocolate as a company. Thinking of you. Walking on a crowded street and wanting to hug everyone. Love could be embracing the day as if it was the last of my whole life. Or siting on the couch and talk with you for hours. And I've lost myself between so much love. I lost myself in its charm, taste and smell. Love makes the heart beat harder than normal. Love makes us tread paths and sit on a rock in the middle and continue walking as if it has never been there. Love can make us languish if we venture along the paths of love without love. Love can also born, live and die. And reborn. Love can be life. It could be the smile of a child. Love may be falling off a cliff with open arms with no fear of dying. It may be entering a dense forest without knowing what we can find there. Love can be pain, tears, hopelessness. But love can be smiles, happiness and more happiness. Well, but these are already another kind of words. Ana Reis
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