As palavras soltas de hoje falam sobre flores. Flores que nascem na primavera. Flores que nascem no outono. Flores que nascem todo o ano. Flores que nunca nascem... Sinto a chuva na minha cara. Levo na minha mala o mundo e os meus sonhos no meu necessaire. Dá-me um abraço quente para eu sentir o teu amor. As flores conservam as gotas de orvalho penduradas nas suas folhas e pétalas como se estas fossem um baloiço. À noite sinto falta de alguém para secar as minhas lágrimas, as quais, por vezes, teimam em nascer nos meus olhos. Abraça-me por uns milhares de anos. Faz-me sentir o teu amor. Nunca te farei mal. Sei disso desde o dia em que nos conhecemos. Promete que, também, nunca me farás mal, mesmo que essa não tenha sido a tua ideia inicial. Faz de conta que foi só para me veres sorrir. A minha mente nunca duvidou do local ao qual pertencemos. As flores também só nascem na estação e no clima e terra certos. Farei de tudo para que todos os dias sintas o meu amor. Serei assador de castanhas no outono. Vendedor de guarda chuvas no inverno. Jardineiro na primavera. E nadador salvador no verão. Tudo só para te fazer sentir o meu amor. Tal como Romeu e Julieta, irei até aos confins da Terra só para que sintas o meu amor. Tal como as flores abraçam os dias, abraça-me com aquele teu abraço quente para eu sentir o teu amor. Bem, mas estas já são outras palavras. Ana Reis
Today my words talk about flowers. Flowers that grow in the spring. Flowers that grow in autumn. Flowers that grow in any season. Flowers that never grow... I feel the rain on my face. I carry the world in my suitcase and my dreams in my necessaire. Give me a warm hug so I can feel your love. The flowers keep the drops of dew on their leaves and petals as if they were swinging. At night I miss someone to dry my tears, which, sometimes, just born in my eyes. Embrace me for a thousand years. Make me feel your love. I'll never hurt you. I've known that since the day we met. Promise me you'll never hurt me, even if that wasn't your initial idea. Pretend it is true just to see me smile. My mind never doubted about the place where we belong. The flowers only grow up in the right season and climate and ground. I will do everything to make you feel my love every single day. I'll be a chestnut steaker in the fall. Na umbrella seller in the winter. Gardener in the spring. And life-saver in the summer. All just to make you feel my love. Like Romeo and Juliet, I will go to the ends of the earth to make you feel my love. Just as the flowers embrace the days, embrace me with your warm embrace so I can feel your love. Well, but these are already another kind of words. Ana Reis
Today my words talk about flowers. Flowers that grow in the spring. Flowers that grow in autumn. Flowers that grow in any season. Flowers that never grow... I feel the rain on my face. I carry the world in my suitcase and my dreams in my necessaire. Give me a warm hug so I can feel your love. The flowers keep the drops of dew on their leaves and petals as if they were swinging. At night I miss someone to dry my tears, which, sometimes, just born in my eyes. Embrace me for a thousand years. Make me feel your love. I'll never hurt you. I've known that since the day we met. Promise me you'll never hurt me, even if that wasn't your initial idea. Pretend it is true just to see me smile. My mind never doubted about the place where we belong. The flowers only grow up in the right season and climate and ground. I will do everything to make you feel my love every single day. I'll be a chestnut steaker in the fall. Na umbrella seller in the winter. Gardener in the spring. And life-saver in the summer. All just to make you feel my love. Like Romeo and Juliet, I will go to the ends of the earth to make you feel my love. Just as the flowers embrace the days, embrace me with your warm embrace so I can feel your love. Well, but these are already another kind of words. Ana Reis
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