As palavras soltas de hoje falam sobre plantas. A minha casa tem a fama de servir de estufa para as plantas. Todas as plantas que tenho em casa estão viçosas e, muitas das vezes, crescem bem mais do que o que seria habitual. Os manjericos também são plantas que adoram a minha casa. No ano passado o meu manjerico cresceu tanto que até ganhou larvas. E, volta e meia, viam-se borboletas a sair dele. Ele ficou tão povoado que foi necessário transformá-lo numa planta de exterior. E, como depois do verão vem, sempre, o outono, ele acabou por não resistir ao frio. Este ano não foi muito diferente. O meu manjerico voltou a crescer imenso. E, desta vez, foi antecipadamente coroado de planta de exterior mas não tem lagartas. O meu pai ontem olhou para ele e disse: "Este manjerico parece mesmo uma velha com cabelo grisalho." Nunca tinha olhado para o meu manjerico desse ponto de vista. Mas, agora que o esbocei, até consigo detetar muitas semelhanças. Deixo-vos com a minha inspiração. Bem, mas estas já são outras palavras soltas. Ana Reis
Today my words talk about plants. My house is reputed to serve as a greenhouse for plants. All the plants I have at home are lush, and grow much more than usual. Basils are plants that love my home too. Last year my basil grew so much that have grown up on it caterpillars. And, sometimes, we could see butterflies emerging from it. It was so populated that it was necessary to turn it into an outdoor plant. And as after the summer always becomes the fall, it ended up not resisting to the cold. This year was not much different. My basil has grown again. And, this time, it was earlier crowned as outdoor plant but it has no caterpillars. My dad looked at him yesterday and said, "This basil looks like an old woman with gray hair." I had never looked at my basil from that point of view. But now that I've sketched it, I can detect many similarities. I leave you with my inspiration. Well, but these are already another kind of words. Ana Reis
Today my words talk about plants. My house is reputed to serve as a greenhouse for plants. All the plants I have at home are lush, and grow much more than usual. Basils are plants that love my home too. Last year my basil grew so much that have grown up on it caterpillars. And, sometimes, we could see butterflies emerging from it. It was so populated that it was necessary to turn it into an outdoor plant. And as after the summer always becomes the fall, it ended up not resisting to the cold. This year was not much different. My basil has grown again. And, this time, it was earlier crowned as outdoor plant but it has no caterpillars. My dad looked at him yesterday and said, "This basil looks like an old woman with gray hair." I had never looked at my basil from that point of view. But now that I've sketched it, I can detect many similarities. I leave you with my inspiration. Well, but these are already another kind of words. Ana Reis
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