As palavras soltas de hoje falam sobre cinema. Adoro ir ao cinema ver um daqueles filmes que nos enche a alma de todo o tipo de sentimentos e emoções. Adoro ir ao cinema ver um filme nomeado para os óscares. Adoro ir ao cinema ver um filme que nunca ninguém memoriza o seu nome. Adoro ir ao cinema e ver um filme que eu não consigo memorizar o nome mas que sei perfeitamente a sua história. Filmes que contam histórias de amor. Filmes que nos fazem dançar e cantar na cadeira. Filmes que nos levam até ao romper das lágrimas e dos sentimentos. Filmes que nos fazem ficar aflitos para ir ao WC de tanto nos rirmos. Filmes que nos assustam na cadeira. Filmes com imensa ficção científica. Filmes e mais filmes. Filmes que recontam histórias reais. Filmes que nos iluminam o olhar com todas as suas personagens animadas. Tantas cores. Filmes a preto e branco. Filmes com ou sem falas. Cinema mudo. Cinema com os amigos. E foi numa ida ao cinema com amigos que tudo começou. Bem, foi uma ida ao cinema como muitas outras. Pedimos o pacote normal de pipocas e a bebida habitual. Sentámo-nos calmamente. Ainda não havia começado a publicidade. De repente, a "pipoca" lembrou-se que poderíamos estar sentados na fila errada. Este acontecimento é habitual quando sou eu a levar os bilhetes na mão e a conduzir a equipa toda aos nossos lugares. Estranhamente, desta vez foi a pipoca que nos conduziu e achou que estávamos na fila errada. Bem, ela tinha razão porque, afinal, as letras, normalmente por ordem alfabética, que determinam a fila, saltavam a letra "I". Porquê?! Não sei. Estranhei mas mantive-me confiante de que só eu é que sou a detentora da medalha de ouro na categoria de "Trocar os lugares no cinema". Sim, efetivamente, estávamos na fila e lugares certos. Voltamos ao sossego e às conversas sobre cursos superiores e afins. A sala, rapidamente, encheu-se. E, sem eu dar conta, quase todos os lugares estavam ocupados. Como não podia deixar de ser duas pessoas sentaram-se no lugar de outras. E tiveram que ceder o lugar aos respetivos "proprietários". Outras estavam a mastigar pipocas num modo bastante sonoro. Outras conversavam alegremente e em voz alta. Tudo estava a decorrer com normalidade. Do meu lado esquerdo estavam 5 lugares livres. Entram 2 senhores. Penso "devem ser estes os senhores que vão ficar nestes lugares". Olharam para os lugares. Olharam para as letras que determinavam as filas e desceram as escadas. A fila deles era bastante mais abaixo. Penso alto para com os meus amigos "devo cheirar mesmo muito mal!" Riem-se. Perguntam-me porquê. Respondo "tantas pessoas nesta sala, praticamente cheia, e estes bons lugares, ao meu lado, estão vazios?!". Fez sentido a minha resposta na cabeça deles. Realmente não percebi porquê. Os lugares continuavam vazios quando as luzes apagaram-se. Se houvessem moscas seria possível ouvi-las. Mal o filme começa, entra a música habitual. Aquela música que, automaticamente, me faz cantar mentalmente a versão do filme "The simpsons". (Soube mais tarde que a "pipoca" pensou o mesmo! Telepatia!) Começou o filme. Espero para ouvir o silêncio. Ouço pipocas mas não há sinal nenhum de vozes. O som das pipocas já faz parte do silêncio do cinema. Primeira cena com um bocadinho de ação. Ouço: "não vai conseguir pegar na mala!". O quê?! Alguém já viu o filme e veio revê-lo?! E, para nosso azar, está a contar o filme?! Bem, por momentos pensei que iria saber o fim antes de acabar o filme. Mas não. Para nosso descanso, a personagem conseguiu pegar na mala. Suspirei de alívio. Acho que ninguém ouviu. Os meus suspiros não costumam ser audíveis. O filme continua e o silêncio, habitual, volta a instalar-se. Silêncio de cinema. Aprecio mais um pouco daquele silêncio maravilhoso. Num outro momento de ação ouve-se "vai reconhecer o toque do telemóvel". Mais um tiro falhado. E isto aconteceu várias vezes ao longo do filme. Alguns palpites sussurrados, outros bem audíveis. Por diversas vezes o nosso silêncio de cinema foi interrompido. Ainda bem que os lugares ao meu lado ficaram vazios porque eu "cheirava mal!". Bem, mas estas já são outras palavras soltas. Ana Reis
Today my words talk about cinema. I love going to the cinema to see one of those movies that fills our soul with all kinds of feelings and emotions. I love going to the cinema to see a movie that will win an Oscar. I love going to the cinema to see a movie that nobody ever remembers its name. I love going to the cinema and watching a movie that I can't remember its name but I know perfectly its story. Love movies. Movies that make us dance and sing in the chair. Movies that lead us to tears and that shows all our feelings. Movies that make us anxious to go to the toilet because we laugh to death. Movies that scare us in the chair. Movies with so much scientific fiction. Movies and more movies. Movies that are based on real stories. Movies that light up our eyes with all their animated characters. So many colors. Black and white movies. Movies with or without conversations. Silent movies. Cinema with friends. And it was in one of our movie trips that everything has begining. Well, but it was a trip to the cinema like so many others. We ordered the usual pack of popcorn and the usual drink. We sat quietly. Advertising had not begun yet. Suddenly, the "popcorn" reminded that we could be sitting in the wrong queue. This is a normal occurrence when I'm taking the tickets in my hand and driving the whole team to our places. Strangely, this time it was the popcorn that led us and thought we were in the wrong queue. Well, but she was right because, after all, the letters, usually in alphabetical order, that determine the queue, skipped the letter "I". Why?! I don't know. I wondered, but I was confident that I am the one and only holder of the gold medal in the category of "Changing the seats in the cinema". Yes, indeed, we were in the right queue and places. We got back to our conversations about high school. The room quickly filled up. And without I realize it, most places were occuped. Two people sat in the place of others. And they had give the sits to their "owners." Others were chewing on popcorn in a very loud way. Others talked happily and loudly. Everything was going on normally way. On my left side were 5 free seats. Enter 2 persons. I think "it must be these gentlemen who will sit in these places". They looked at the places. They looked at the letters that determined the queues and went down the stairs. Their queue was much lower in the room. I think loudly to my friends "I must smell really bad!" They laugh. They ask me why. I answer "so many people in this room, practically full, and these good places, by my side, are empty ?!". My answer made sense in their heads. I really didn't understand why. The seats were still empty when the lights went out. If there had been flies it would be possible to hear them. As soon as the movie starts, the usual music comes in. That music that automatically makes me sing mentally the version of the movie "The Simpsons". (I knew later that "popcorn" thought the same! Telepathy!) The movie started. I wait to hear the silence. I hear popcorn but there is no sign of any voices. The sound of popcorn is already part of cinema's silence. First scene with a little bit of action. I hear: "He won'tt be able to pick up the suitcase!" What?! Has anyone here has seen the movie already and come to review it?! And, to our bad luck, is she telling the story of the movie ?! Well, for a moment I thought I'd know the end before the movie ended. But not. For our happiness, the character was able to pick up the suitcase. I sighed in relief. I don't think anyone's heard it. My sighs aren't usually audible. The movie continues and the usual silence re-sets. Cinema's silence. So I appreciate a little more of that wonderful silence. At another moment of action we hear: "he will recognize phone's tone". Another failed shot. And this happened several times throughout the movie. Some whispered guesses, others well audible. On several occasions our silent film was interrupted. Thankfully the places next to me were empty because I "smelled bad!". Well, but these are already another kind of words. Ana Reis
Today my words talk about cinema. I love going to the cinema to see one of those movies that fills our soul with all kinds of feelings and emotions. I love going to the cinema to see a movie that will win an Oscar. I love going to the cinema to see a movie that nobody ever remembers its name. I love going to the cinema and watching a movie that I can't remember its name but I know perfectly its story. Love movies. Movies that make us dance and sing in the chair. Movies that lead us to tears and that shows all our feelings. Movies that make us anxious to go to the toilet because we laugh to death. Movies that scare us in the chair. Movies with so much scientific fiction. Movies and more movies. Movies that are based on real stories. Movies that light up our eyes with all their animated characters. So many colors. Black and white movies. Movies with or without conversations. Silent movies. Cinema with friends. And it was in one of our movie trips that everything has begining. Well, but it was a trip to the cinema like so many others. We ordered the usual pack of popcorn and the usual drink. We sat quietly. Advertising had not begun yet. Suddenly, the "popcorn" reminded that we could be sitting in the wrong queue. This is a normal occurrence when I'm taking the tickets in my hand and driving the whole team to our places. Strangely, this time it was the popcorn that led us and thought we were in the wrong queue. Well, but she was right because, after all, the letters, usually in alphabetical order, that determine the queue, skipped the letter "I". Why?! I don't know. I wondered, but I was confident that I am the one and only holder of the gold medal in the category of "Changing the seats in the cinema". Yes, indeed, we were in the right queue and places. We got back to our conversations about high school. The room quickly filled up. And without I realize it, most places were occuped. Two people sat in the place of others. And they had give the sits to their "owners." Others were chewing on popcorn in a very loud way. Others talked happily and loudly. Everything was going on normally way. On my left side were 5 free seats. Enter 2 persons. I think "it must be these gentlemen who will sit in these places". They looked at the places. They looked at the letters that determined the queues and went down the stairs. Their queue was much lower in the room. I think loudly to my friends "I must smell really bad!" They laugh. They ask me why. I answer "so many people in this room, practically full, and these good places, by my side, are empty ?!". My answer made sense in their heads. I really didn't understand why. The seats were still empty when the lights went out. If there had been flies it would be possible to hear them. As soon as the movie starts, the usual music comes in. That music that automatically makes me sing mentally the version of the movie "The Simpsons". (I knew later that "popcorn" thought the same! Telepathy!) The movie started. I wait to hear the silence. I hear popcorn but there is no sign of any voices. The sound of popcorn is already part of cinema's silence. First scene with a little bit of action. I hear: "He won'tt be able to pick up the suitcase!" What?! Has anyone here has seen the movie already and come to review it?! And, to our bad luck, is she telling the story of the movie ?! Well, for a moment I thought I'd know the end before the movie ended. But not. For our happiness, the character was able to pick up the suitcase. I sighed in relief. I don't think anyone's heard it. My sighs aren't usually audible. The movie continues and the usual silence re-sets. Cinema's silence. So I appreciate a little more of that wonderful silence. At another moment of action we hear: "he will recognize phone's tone". Another failed shot. And this happened several times throughout the movie. Some whispered guesses, others well audible. On several occasions our silent film was interrupted. Thankfully the places next to me were empty because I "smelled bad!". Well, but these are already another kind of words. Ana Reis
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