As palavras soltas de hoje estão teatreiras. Estão porque é necessário valorizar e engrandecer as artes!
Oh, estar num teatro e poder desfrutar daquele famoso cheiro a pó. E poder apreciar o eco de sonhos e ilusões deixados num palco vazio. O som metálico e brilhante das teclas de marfim do piano no canto da enorme sala decorada de história de dez mil apresentações passadas. As cadeiras estão vazias. A única coisa que preenche, ainda, aquela sala são os ecos esquecidos de aplausos que, por ali, foram ficando para trás. Oh Teatro! Ainda me lembro, como se fosse ontem, das matinés com lotação esgotada. Das pessoas a empurrarem-se nas filas para ainda conseguirem um bilhete. Já não tem qualquer importância que não seja uma cadeira de orquestra. Um bilhete na mão é um pedaço de ouro. Das crianças que brincam e questionam sobre a peça enquanto estão naquela fila de entrada interminável. Do Black Out antes do início da peça que faz crescer aquele nervoso miudinho e alimenta todas as borboletas da minha barriga. (Mas não são borboletas verdadeiras!) Do abrir das cortinas e dos aplausos. Aplausos esses que, repetidamente, vão soando ao longo do espetáculo. Aplausos esses que são o culminar de todo o trabalho realizado naquele palco por atores, técnicos, e tanta outra gente. E, nessa outra gente, inclui-se o público. Afinal, o teatro não é só um palco cheio... Porque estão, então, os teatros vazios?
As pessoas chegam de todos os lados e quase que se atropelam. Algumas chegam mesmo a tropeçar umas nas outras. E aguardam na imensa fila pelo seu momento de pisar aquela grande sala. Levam consigo o programa e lêem-no numa tentativa falhada de fazer o tempo passar mais depressa. Mal as portas se abrem, as cadeiras vazias rapidamente passam a estar ocupadas. As pessoas conversam sobre o tempo e sobre os espetáculos que já foram ver antes. A sala está cheia. Lotação esgotada! Os atores começam a sentir o nervoso miudinho e pedem, nas mais diversas orações, pelo presente, pelo passado e pelo futuro da peça. Em suma, pelas suas vidas. As luzes apagam-se e ouve-se uma voz que diz: "Boa noite! O espetáculo vai começar por isso não fotografem com flash durante o mesmo, não filmem e desliguem os telemóveis." O palco vazio, de repente, ganha vida. As cortinas preparam-se para abrir. Os atores sentem os seus corações aos saltos. As cortinas abrem. O espetáculo começa com um trabalho conjunto de equipa ténica e atores. E, quando as cortinas voltam a fechar, toda a equipa técnica e atores ficam à espera de aplausos, assobios, gritos de pé, um silêncio de morte, ... Um pedido para voltarem, um bis (queremos mais), tomates, ... Enquanto os atores se descaracterizam, os técnicos desmontam todos os cabos e projetores e o encenador arruma as suas folhas. A plateia, outrora cheia, esvazia-se uma vez mais. Restam apenas os ecos e tudo o que ficou esquecido até que um novo espetáculo comece, rompendo aquele silêncio profundo. Nesta altura, tal como das outras vezes, uma figura solitária diz "Obrigada." para o palco vazio e cadeiras silenciosas. É impossível explicar o verdadeiro valor disto. Do teatro. Mas a minha alma já faz parte deste grandeur interminável. Oh Teatro! Gosto quando chamas por mim e falas comigo porque aí eu sei que esta é, vedadeiramente, a minha casa para a vida. E que o espetáculo continue. Ao Teatro!
Bem mas isto já são outras palavras soltas! Ana Reis
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Today my words are theatrical. It's essential to develop and enhance arts!
Oh, to be in a theater and be able to enjoy that famous smell of powder. And being able to enjoy the echo of dreams and illusions left at the empty stage. The shiny metallic sound of the ivory keys of the piano in the corner of the huge room decorated with the history of ten thousand past presentations. The chairs are empty. The only thing that fills that room are the forgotten echoes of applauses that someone left behind. Oh Theatre! I still remember, like it was yesterday, the sold out matinees. People pushing themselves in queues to get a ticket. It has no importance that they can't get a ticket for a orchestra's chair. A ticket in their hand is like a piece of gold. Children are playing and questioning about the theatre while they are waiting in that endless queue for entry. The Black Out before the beginning of the show that makes the choosy nervous grow and that feeds all the butterflies in my belly. (But they aren't true butterflies!) The opening of the curtains and the sound of applauses. Applauses that repeatedly go sounding throughout the show. Applauses that are the culmination of all the work done by stage actors, technicians, and other people. And those other people are the public. After all, the theater is not just a full stage ... So, why are the theaters empty ?
People come from all sides and almost almost jostle each other. Some go so far that they really stumble into each other. And they are waiting in the huge line for its time to entry into the large room. They carry the program and read it in a failed attempt to make the time pass more quickly. As the doors were open, the empty chairs then quickly be occupied. People talk about the weather and about the shows that have already seen before. The room is full. Sellout! The actors begin to feel that choosy nervous and ask, in different kind of praying, for their present, their past and their future. In short, thay ask for their work. The lights go out and we can hear a voice that says "Goodnight! The show will start so don't photographed with flash during it, turn off your mobile phones and don't film!" The empty stage, suddenly, comes alive. The curtains are preparing to open. The actors feel their hearts pounding. The curtains open. The show begins with a team work of technicians and actors. And when the curtains close again, the whole coaching staff and actors are waiting for applauses, whistles, screams, a dead silence... A request to return, a bis (we want more!), tomatoes... While the actors mischaracterize, technicians dismantle all cables and projectors and the director arranges their leaves and books. The audience, once full, is empry again. There are only echoes and everything that was forgotten until a new show starts, breaking that silence. At this point, as at other times, a solitary figure says "Thank you!" to the empty stage and silent chairs. It is impossible to explain the true value of it. Theater! But my soul is already in this endless grandeur. Oh Theatre! I just love when you call me and talk to me because then I know that this is, trully, my home for life. And the show goes on! To the theater!
Well but this is already another kind of words! Ana Reis
Oh, to be in a theater and be able to enjoy that famous smell of powder. And being able to enjoy the echo of dreams and illusions left at the empty stage. The shiny metallic sound of the ivory keys of the piano in the corner of the huge room decorated with the history of ten thousand past presentations. The chairs are empty. The only thing that fills that room are the forgotten echoes of applauses that someone left behind. Oh Theatre! I still remember, like it was yesterday, the sold out matinees. People pushing themselves in queues to get a ticket. It has no importance that they can't get a ticket for a orchestra's chair. A ticket in their hand is like a piece of gold. Children are playing and questioning about the theatre while they are waiting in that endless queue for entry. The Black Out before the beginning of the show that makes the choosy nervous grow and that feeds all the butterflies in my belly. (But they aren't true butterflies!) The opening of the curtains and the sound of applauses. Applauses that repeatedly go sounding throughout the show. Applauses that are the culmination of all the work done by stage actors, technicians, and other people. And those other people are the public. After all, the theater is not just a full stage ... So, why are the theaters empty ?
People come from all sides and almost almost jostle each other. Some go so far that they really stumble into each other. And they are waiting in the huge line for its time to entry into the large room. They carry the program and read it in a failed attempt to make the time pass more quickly. As the doors were open, the empty chairs then quickly be occupied. People talk about the weather and about the shows that have already seen before. The room is full. Sellout! The actors begin to feel that choosy nervous and ask, in different kind of praying, for their present, their past and their future. In short, thay ask for their work. The lights go out and we can hear a voice that says "Goodnight! The show will start so don't photographed with flash during it, turn off your mobile phones and don't film!" The empty stage, suddenly, comes alive. The curtains are preparing to open. The actors feel their hearts pounding. The curtains open. The show begins with a team work of technicians and actors. And when the curtains close again, the whole coaching staff and actors are waiting for applauses, whistles, screams, a dead silence... A request to return, a bis (we want more!), tomatoes... While the actors mischaracterize, technicians dismantle all cables and projectors and the director arranges their leaves and books. The audience, once full, is empry again. There are only echoes and everything that was forgotten until a new show starts, breaking that silence. At this point, as at other times, a solitary figure says "Thank you!" to the empty stage and silent chairs. It is impossible to explain the true value of it. Theater! But my soul is already in this endless grandeur. Oh Theatre! I just love when you call me and talk to me because then I know that this is, trully, my home for life. And the show goes on! To the theater!
Well but this is already another kind of words! Ana Reis
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