As palavras soltas de hoje falam sobre a noite. Enquanto o sol retirava os seus últimos raios do jardim e a lua lançava os seus raios aveludados sobre as flores ainda despertas, eu sentei-me no parapeito da janela do meu quarto olhando atentamente as estrelas, espalhadas de forma desordenada, brilhantes como escamas de peixes que nadam num riacho. E quase que era percetível o som da água a correr no meio do silêncio daquela noite.
Os morcegos desenhavam imagens abstratas, com aquilo que parecia ser a sua dança de acasalamento, no céu. Pequenos sons difíceis de decifrar pairavam no ar. Talvez grilos, Talvez relas. Talvez o canto dos próprios morcegos.
Quando as plantas fecharam as suas pétalas e o silêncio colossal pousou sobre a cidade, eu escutei alguns passos apressados na relva. Olhei em volta. Nas minhas costas só conseguia ver o meu quarto. O meu espaço especial e espacial. Diante de mim o manto de trevas que cobria toda a natureza envolvente. Olhando melhor, em busca de mais detalhe, duas pequenas luzes aproximavam-se da minha janela. Pararam. Pela ausência de som podia afirmar que quase não respiravam. Era um casal de namorados.
Ele olhou em todas as direções e pediu, gentilmente, à rapariga que se sentasse junto a ele naquele que mais parecia um mar de escuridão mas que era, simplesmente, relva. Pediu-lhe que ouvisse o seu coração. Ela olhou em volta e deixou-se cair naquele que parecia ser um tambor no peito dele. Caiu como cai um corpo morto. Sem atrito. Sem hesitar. E ficou.
Não sei por quanto tempo estive sentada a observá-los, primeiro sentados, depois a caminhar e a saltar de flor em flor como se fossem borboletas. E, enquanto aqueles dois vultos desapareciam do meu campo de visão, eu dei por mim a pensar no significado de tudo aquilo e no espaço que ocupou no meu coração.
E diante do vasto deserto noturno, continuei a questionar-me e, sem me aperceber muito bem como, outro casal aproximou-se e sentou-se naquela relva escurecida pela ausência de luz e iluminada por pequenas e distantes estrelas.
Após alguns segundos de um silêncio ensurdecedor consegui ouvir as seguintes palavras: "Deixa-te de lamúrias. O nosso amor jamais aguentará tantas adversidades. Ambos sofremos e, a cada dia que passa, fazemo-nos sofrer cada vez mais."
Se não fosse o sussurrar dos grilos, das relas e o canto dos morcegos, podia ouvir perfeitamente as lágrimas a caírem-lhe pelo rosto. Levemente. Lentamente.
Foi então que uma voz pura disse: "Adeus, meu amor!"
E cada um seguiu o seu caminho. E o meu coração chorou.
Olhei, uma última vez, aquela natureza escura, que mais parecia morta, e após uma reflexão profunda descobri a realidade de algo tão puro e forte que nada nem ninguém consegue combater. Uma coisa que não pode ser descoberta nas águas profundas do Oceano Atlântico ou nos edifícios magníficos de Itália.
É algo que ganha força e tamanho com paciência, apesar dos obstáculos. É algo que aquece no Inverno e que abre em botão na Primavera. É algo que solta uma leve brisa no Verão e que dá frutos no Outono. Foi nessa noite que eu descobri o amor.
Today my words talk about the night. As the sun takes off its last rays from the garden, and the moon casts its velvety rays upon the still-awakened flowers, I sat on the railing of my bedroom window starring intently at the stars, shining like fish scales who swim in a river. And in the silence of that night the sound of running water was almost perceptible.
Bats drew abstract images in the sky as if they were doing its mating dance. Hard to decipher sounds hung in the air. Maybe crickets. Maybe loops. Maybe it was just the bats singing.
When all the flowers closed their petals and a colossal silence landed on the city, I heard a few hurried footsteps on the grass. I took a look around. Behind me I there's just my bedroom. My special space place. Before me the dark cloak covering the surrounding nature. So I tried to look better, to see with more detail, and I finally could seed two small lights approaching me. Suddenly they stopped. And I could say that they were hardly breathing by the noisy silence. It was a couple of boyfriends.
So the boy looked in all directions and gently asked the girl to sit next to him. To sit in that darkness sea that was simply grass. She begged him to listen to his heart. She looked around and dropped her body into what seems to be adrum. Falling like a dead body falls. Without any friction. Without hesitating. And she stayed there.
I can't precise how long I've been sat watching them. At first sitting. Then walking. And jumping from flower to flower like butterflies. And while those two characters disappeared from my vision field, I found myself thinking about the meaning of all that and the space that it occupied in my heart.
And contemplating the vast wilderness night-time, I kept questioning myself, and without realizing how, another couple came and sat on that dark grass by the light absense and lit by distant small stars.
After a few seconds of a deafening silence, I could perfectly hear him saying to her to stop crying because they will never survive to so many adversities and that they were making suffer each other more and more.
If there was no whispering of the crickets, loops, and the singing of the bats, I could hear the tears falling on her cheeks. Slightly. Slowly.
And then a pure voice said:"Goodbye, my love!".
And each one went on his/her way. And my heart cried.
So one more time I took a look at that dark nature that seemed to be more dead than alive. And after a deep reflection I discovered the reality of something so pure and strong that nothing and nobody can fight. One thing that can't be discovered in the deep blue waters of the Atlantic Ocean or in the magnificent buildings of Italy.
It is something that grows and becomes stronger with patience, despite obstacles. It's something that warms up in the winter and that sprouts in the Spring. It is something that blows a light breeze in the summer and that bears fruit in the autumn. It was that night that I discovered love.
Well, but these are already another king of words.
Ana Reis
So the boy looked in all directions and gently asked the girl to sit next to him. To sit in that darkness sea that was simply grass. She begged him to listen to his heart. She looked around and dropped her body into what seems to be adrum. Falling like a dead body falls. Without any friction. Without hesitating. And she stayed there.
I can't precise how long I've been sat watching them. At first sitting. Then walking. And jumping from flower to flower like butterflies. And while those two characters disappeared from my vision field, I found myself thinking about the meaning of all that and the space that it occupied in my heart.
And contemplating the vast wilderness night-time, I kept questioning myself, and without realizing how, another couple came and sat on that dark grass by the light absense and lit by distant small stars.
After a few seconds of a deafening silence, I could perfectly hear him saying to her to stop crying because they will never survive to so many adversities and that they were making suffer each other more and more.
If there was no whispering of the crickets, loops, and the singing of the bats, I could hear the tears falling on her cheeks. Slightly. Slowly.
And then a pure voice said:"Goodbye, my love!".
And each one went on his/her way. And my heart cried.
So one more time I took a look at that dark nature that seemed to be more dead than alive. And after a deep reflection I discovered the reality of something so pure and strong that nothing and nobody can fight. One thing that can't be discovered in the deep blue waters of the Atlantic Ocean or in the magnificent buildings of Italy.
It is something that grows and becomes stronger with patience, despite obstacles. It's something that warms up in the winter and that sprouts in the Spring. It is something that blows a light breeze in the summer and that bears fruit in the autumn. It was that night that I discovered love.
Well, but these are already another king of words.
Ana Reis
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