As palavras soltas de hoje falam sobre dias. Hoje é um longo dia. Talvez o dia mais longo da minha vida. Longo porque sim. Longo porque vai parecer eterno. Longo porque o sol brilha e eu quero que ele continue a brilhar. Longo porque eu quero que o dia tenha mais do que vinte e quatro horas. Há dias assim. Longos. Infindáveis. Intermináveis. Dias que nos envolvem e nos aconchegam. Dias que absorvem toda a nossa energia. Que nos consomem até à última gota de sangue. Dias cheios de sorrisos, risos e gargalhadas. Dias felizes. Dias muito felizes. Dias com mais de vinte e quatro horas. Dias preenchidos. Dias trabalhosos. Dias desgastantes. Dias enervantes. E dias cheios de sol e de pessoas felizes. Dias recheados de amigos e de palavras que valem a pena. Dias cheios de abraços. Boas energias. Momentos inesquecíveis. Amor. Saudade. Despedidas. Um último adeus. Porque hoje pode ser o dia mais longo de qualquer um de nós. Talvez o dia mais longo da tua ou da minha vida. Quiçá. Talvez seja hoje o dia mais longo da nossa vida. E se for que seja de sorriso rasgado! Bem, mas estas já são outras palavras soltas. Ana Reis
Today my words talk about days. Today is a long day. Maybe it's the longest day of my whole life. Long because it is. Long because it'll seem eternal. Long because the sun is shining and I want it to still shine. Long because I want it to have more than twenty-four hours. There are days like this. Long. Endless. Neverending. Days that surround and cuddle us. Days that absorb all our energy. That consume us until our last blood drop. Days full of smiles, laughter and goodbyes. Happy days. Really happy days. Days over twenty-four hours. Full days. Tough days. Weary days. Stressing days. And days full of sunshine and happy people. Days full of friends and words that worth it. Days full of hugs. Good vibes. Unforgettable moments. Love. Homesickness. Farewells. A last goodbye. And today can be the longest day of any of us. Maybe this is the longest day for you and for me. Mybe today is the longest day of our lives. And if it is wear you most beautiful smile! Well, but these are already another kind of words. Ana Reis
Today my words talk about days. Today is a long day. Maybe it's the longest day of my whole life. Long because it is. Long because it'll seem eternal. Long because the sun is shining and I want it to still shine. Long because I want it to have more than twenty-four hours. There are days like this. Long. Endless. Neverending. Days that surround and cuddle us. Days that absorb all our energy. That consume us until our last blood drop. Days full of smiles, laughter and goodbyes. Happy days. Really happy days. Days over twenty-four hours. Full days. Tough days. Weary days. Stressing days. And days full of sunshine and happy people. Days full of friends and words that worth it. Days full of hugs. Good vibes. Unforgettable moments. Love. Homesickness. Farewells. A last goodbye. And today can be the longest day of any of us. Maybe this is the longest day for you and for me. Mybe today is the longest day of our lives. And if it is wear you most beautiful smile! Well, but these are already another kind of words. Ana Reis
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