As palavras soltas de hoje lembram-se do tempo em que me enviavas as "boas noites" através do sorriso de borboletas nocturnas. Um sorriso tímido, quase imperceptível. Um sorriso que era suficiente para iluminar o resto da minha noite, ou o que ainda restava dela. E as borboletas eram mais do que muitas. Havia noites em que mal se via o céu estrelado. A lua tinha vergonha de aparecer e deixava, nessas noites, as borboletas brilharem. E brilhavam e iluminavam todo o meu caminho e o caminho de todas as pessoas. Agora já não se vêem tantas borboletas à noite. Bem, mas isto já são outras palavras soltas. Ana Reis
Today my words are remembering the time when you used to tell me "good night" through the smile of moths. A shy smile, almost imperceptible. A smile that was enough to light the rest of my night, or what was left of it. And the moths were more than many. There were nights that I could hardly see the starry sky. On those nights the moon was embarrassed to show up and let moths glow more than her. And they sparkled and lightt up all my way and so of everyone else. Now we can't see so many butterflies at night. Well, but this is already another kind of words. Ana Reis
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